Crossfire not working on AMD CCC 14.11.1?


Nov 14, 2014
Hi all first time poster,

I just got a Sapphire R9 280x Dual-X to crossfire with my HIS R9 280x.

I followed all of the instructions for crossfiring two gpus and managed to get Windows 7 to recognise both GPUs on the system.

The only problem is CCC does not want to recognise or give me the option to crossfire the gpus. In the 'Hardware' tab in CCC lists my second gpu as a 'Disabled Adapter'. This is giving me great frustration. I have tried everything I could think of to get the crossfire to work and I can only seem to get crossfire to work on very old driver versions. However, it does not seem to improve my fps on any games like Battlefield 4 compared to the single R9 280x.

What can I do? Even CCC 14.9 does not let me crossfire. I make sure that all AMD drivers are deleted using sweeper software before installing other CCC versions. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

For reference this is my system:

OS: Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit
Cpu: i7 4790k
Ram: G-Skill TridentX 16GB 2400mhz (8GB x2)
Motherboard: MSI z97 Gaming 3
Primary GPU: HIS R9 290x.
Secondary GPU: Sapphire Dual-X R9 280x.
PSU: Cooler Master GX II 750W Bronze 80 plus

I have the exact same issue.. I keep trying to rollback to older drivers but it continually upgrades my drivers to the most recent pack. I've no idea why its happening.