Crossfire problems with a 7850 and 7870


Dec 20, 2013
I just recently got a XFX 7870 and I previously had a XFX 7850 and I found that I can crossfire them. But for some reason I cannot do anything intensive with them. I get Blue Screen with the error 0xA0000001, which I looked up to be a driver problem. I thought I fixed the problem so I went to start up Battlefield and my whole computer crashed...

I fiddled around with the set up a little, each card works perfectly by itself (One card in the system at a time). When both are in the system without a crossfire bridge, they still work great. With a crossfire bridge and crossfire disabled, the pc crashes when I try and play a game. With crossfire enabled it crashes when I try and play a game.

Can someone help me understand what's going wrong and help me fix it?

I have tried many different ways to get this to work, no one seams to have the same problem as me.


My specs:
ASUS Sabertooth 990FX
AMD FX-8150
XFX 7850
XFX 7870
Rosewill 700W PSU
Alright I figured it out.

I updated my BIOS which might have been the main factor but this is my process:

I put the 7850 in the top slot, had the bridge on them, installed the drivers that came with the 7870. Restarted, uninstalled the drivers, restarted, installed 13.9 NOT 13.12. then clocked both of them at 1050MHz and memory clocked at 1450MHz.