Crossfire r9 390x-r9 390?


Dec 10, 2016
So i have an xfx r9 390x and was trying to get a good answer on if i can crossfire this card with an r9 390 ive heard in a few places that you can but its always mixed answers
Want to have something that rivals a 1080 so i don't feel bad about last years impulse gpu purchase :/
Yes, though it will run at the speed of the lower performing 390. I think the 390x does have some extra stream processors so you wont have access to those either. It would basically act like two 390 non x cards in crossfire.

A 390 corssfire setup will only rival (or outperform) a 1080 in games with decent crossfire support, which there seem to be less and less of every year. And its going to suck about 3 times as much power. Personally I would stay away from crossfire or sli unless you know the games you play properly support it.
Yes, though it will run at the speed of the lower performing 390. I think the 390x does have some extra stream processors so you wont have access to those either. It would basically act like two 390 non x cards in crossfire.

A 390 corssfire setup will only rival (or outperform) a 1080 in games with decent crossfire support, which there seem to be less and less of every year. And its going to suck about 3 times as much power. Personally I would stay away from crossfire or sli unless you know the games you play properly support it.
1. You are suppose to be able to XFire R9 390 and 390x, if your mobo can do XFire and if your PSU is strong enough. The speed should be somewhere like 2x 390s on XFire, not 2x 390xs.
2. Multi-GPU is not supported by all games, many are not supporting it, and has potential issues.
3. 2x R9 390 will get you only max near GTX1070, not GTX1080.

Basically, I would stay away from any multi-GPU setup, unless I have no choice. e.g. 2x GTX1080Tis.
new games can support multi gpu setup. especially the dx12 ones. as for crossfiring them, make sure ur case is large with pretty good air flow and ur psu can take the load. max out ur case fan configs and have good headphones to filter out the fan noise XD