Here's a question I've been thinking about. Since games seem to be at that point where they're about to "evolve," it would be prudent of me to not spend too much on my new computer build (Well, not more than it already is insane...).
So a way to save on costs that I have been thinking about was to use SLI or Crossfire in 3 or quad setup. However, I realize that dual-GPU's are barely supported still. So would 3 or 4 GPU's cause problems or just not be supported at all? I know in the recent games, they are, as I've checked different benchmark's, but playing things like Metro 2033 or Crysis 2 is only a part of my gaming collection. I play DOS games, too (Which wouldn't benefit.), as well as games that are only slight new, which are the ones which may or may not have support for more than 2 graphic cards. Games like Serious Sam HD, Bulletstorm or Dark Souls.
So I'm wondering if more experience people would know, via their knowledge or personal experience, if a 3x or quad Crossfire/SLI setup would have any benefit to games other than the very, very latest?
Note: this is my first super-high-end build, and my first computer that I personally am building, so I am treating myself to something that will play all the max. I see no reason for a 3 monitor wide setup, but I definitely plan on using a 2560x1600/1440 resolution monitor (If there's any real benefit to it compared to 1200p.).
So a way to save on costs that I have been thinking about was to use SLI or Crossfire in 3 or quad setup. However, I realize that dual-GPU's are barely supported still. So would 3 or 4 GPU's cause problems or just not be supported at all? I know in the recent games, they are, as I've checked different benchmark's, but playing things like Metro 2033 or Crysis 2 is only a part of my gaming collection. I play DOS games, too (Which wouldn't benefit.), as well as games that are only slight new, which are the ones which may or may not have support for more than 2 graphic cards. Games like Serious Sam HD, Bulletstorm or Dark Souls.
So I'm wondering if more experience people would know, via their knowledge or personal experience, if a 3x or quad Crossfire/SLI setup would have any benefit to games other than the very, very latest?
Note: this is my first super-high-end build, and my first computer that I personally am building, so I am treating myself to something that will play all the max. I see no reason for a 3 monitor wide setup, but I definitely plan on using a 2560x1600/1440 resolution monitor (If there's any real benefit to it compared to 1200p.).