Crossfiring 2 r9-290s black screens and errors


May 29, 2015
asrock fatality x79 champion
Intel I7 socket 2011 3820 (OC to 4.2)
DDR3 Ripjaws 24 gbs
2 R9-290's Tri-x OC Uefi Edition
coolermaster 1250 watt rs-c50-emba

this is the specs of my computer, sometimes my computer posts sometimes it doesnt, i have to litterly work around to get it to work sometimes, but its starting to become very annoying, and im not sure why i am having so many issues crossfiring i have the right power output, more then enough i run one card just fine, as soon as i incorpate the second card issues galor sometimes when i go to log into windows after like 5 mins of non=posting i get a system hang on the logon screen, any ideas would be greatly appreciated, and yes I am using the latest drivers for my videocard not the beta ones ether.
it is a rather old power supply, ive had it for almost 7 years, through how can you tell how many rails it has? just curious i never understood much about powersupply rails ill is there one you would suggest that works really well?

That is not a good PSU, it's listed on Tier 4 of 5, 5 being the worst. You will want to stick to tiers 1 or 2. The one at Newegg is Tier 3.

As for the rails:
Look on the "Specifications" tab at the "Output". It lists +12V1 thru 6.

For a good PSU, here is one to look at (Tier 1 on the list I linked previously):
i ment good as in a good powersupply for crossfiring, it says this is a single rail, will the tier 1 evga powersupply do it? just want to make sure before I buy it,

Correct, That is made for crossfire or SLI and a single +12V rail is the way to go. It's 80+ Gold certified and a higher end model.