Crucial Ballistix Sport 16GB vs Kingston HyperX Beast 16GB

The Kingston one has higher speed and top heatsink. The speed difference is minimal. The top heatsinks aren't necessary. Maybe if you are an insane overclocker. Not worth the extra 40 euros, especially when 40 euros can buy you another set of 8GB RAM. I'd get the Crucial Ballistix one.
Thank you for the answere guys, realy helped me out. Follow up question, would this one be better
Crucial DDR3 BallistiX 1600Mhz DDR3 16GB kit(4GBx4),Tactical, 1.5V, CL8-8-8-24 I see it got higher clock speed and costs about the same as the kingston, again, its fugly (but i dont rly mind) ^^
I will be buying intell Intel® Core i7-3770K, so i guess any 1600 mhz ram will do? Oh, and off topic question if you dont mind answereing, i am only playing games, is i7-770k a waste of money? Some say it is, some say the newer games will need the extra string and what not.