Crucial Ballistix Tracer compatibility??


Sep 21, 2007
Well at the moment I have 2 gigs of the regular crucial ballistix

I want to upgrade to 4 gigs and on newegg the Tracer ballistix is $10 cheaper. (so why not get those instead)
Will those work with the regular stuff

I'm considering maybe selling them......anyone want them $40 plus shipping
Either that or I'll give them to a friend or sell it on ebay.
I run 2 gigs of each with no problem, I have a second set of Tracers ordered so I need to get rid of some of the regular stuff myself.
4 gigs of 800MHz Ballistix Tracers for $90, I love it.
The Ballistix and Ballistix Tracer use the same chips inside, predominantly Micron D9GMH, but also with D9GKX or D9GCT sometimes, all three are great overclockers.
well can you use 4x1 sticks of this stuff on a p35 ds3l, i heard there might be compatibility issues using 4 sticks on these boards, any of you heard anything
I hope there isnt a problem....

I offered a friend the regular 2 gigs for $30 (he uses 1 gig now)
Then it will be 2 x 40 - 30 = $50 for 4 gigs
versus 2 x 50 = $100 for the regular stuff

You're a good friend :) What did you originally pay for the standard stuff ?
I paid $70 and sold it for $90, so I made out better than I thought, $75 total for 4 gigs.
$50 for one set from
$80 - $35 rebate for the second set from the Egg, and then - $20, profit from the sale of the standard sticks.