Crysis 2 weird fps issue


Nov 22, 2011
Hi. I have strange fps issue in crysis 2. Sometimes when i laucnhing the game i have fps lock(100fps) and my overall performance seems bad. I`ve tested my performance in road rage level. And here is my results:
When fps locked to 100 \ no fps lock(rarely)
First frame after loading level - 100 fps \ 117 fps
When i looking at window - 63 fps \ 90 fps
Right after cutscene with helicopter 55 \ 70
Other scene 55 fps \ 80 fps
Really strange.

There`s no cpu bottleneck because when i drop settings or resolution my fps increasing.
CPU\GPU usage about 30-40% when there is fps lock(100fps) and 70-80% without that weird lock.

So i have a few questions.
1. What`s wrong with that fps lock? Why 9 out of 10 times i launch the game i have it and 1 time there is no fps lock?
2. Why my fps much lower when fps locked to 100?
3. I saw some youtube videos of crysis 2 and it performing at 120 fps on pretty similar rig.
4. Can someone post fps in those scenes mentioned above?

My rig.

i5 3470
asus direct cu ii gtx 780 manually overclocked to 1063(1215 boost)/ 1552 mhz(6208mhz)
10 gb ram ddr 3
western digital caviar blue 1tb
psu corsair cx600m

Temperatures are ok. No overheating\throttling. Don`t know about other games but i`m kinda affraid that my performance lower than it should be in other games too.

Any help will be appriciated.

P.S. Sorry for my english, it`s not my first language. Thank you.
Just tetsted Metro LL and same thing happened. No fps lock but 10-15 fps difference in performance. For example, first scene on surface near the lid, one time fps - 75, and second time i launch the game i have 85 fps. Beginning of this level on train 104 fps\121 fps.
Same settings, same clocks(ossd). Any suggestions?

Thanks you.