Crysis 3 FPS drop when look at certain spots

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Oct 30, 2017
Hello Guys, i recently build my rig and install Crysis 3 to test its performance.

My system specs are:
CPU: Core i7 7700k 4.2 GHz
GPU: Aorus GTX 1080 ti Xtreme Edition 11 GB
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB 2666 MHz
Storage: SSD Samsung EVO 250GB
OS: Windows 10 Fall Creators update

I play the game at 1080p resolution, setting maxed out, and vsync ON. However, I always get weird FPS drops at certain spots in every level. The fps drop is not random but keep happening at the same spots. For example in the first level, the FPS drop from 60 to 30 - 34 when i walk on the stair just before the door to building or when I was in the small room just before I need to kill the first guard. There are also some spots in another level when the FPS drop happened.

At first, I thought it was storage issue because the FPS drops when game load data from HDD during cutscenes or entering new area (somehow my HDD is slow). So I install the game on SSD (the SSD storage for Windows and game are separated) but the issue still persist. I also tried to make all settings very low, even disabled the AA, but still, the issue persist.

I use MSI afterburner for monitoring and didn't see any resources reach 100%. The GPU and CPU Usage is around 60% - 70% and the ram reached about 4 - 4.5 GB

I never have this kind of problem in another games like Battlefield 1 and Mass effect andromeda.

I'm very confused right now. Do you guys have any idea what might be wrong? Is there any bottleneck issue? Is it the game or OS issue? Does my system spec is not enough to play Crysis 3 in max settings?

Please help guys

Cryengine, Crysis3, can and does make use of upto 8 threads, so normally will run very well on your cpu/gpu combo. However, it doesn't use all the threads equally, you'll see 1 or 2 threads that do a lot of work at times, and little in others. When you are hitting the stairs, it's such simplistic code vrs most of the rest if the views, that you are doing a lot of work on just 2 threads, the rest almost at idle. For this, you can't use the General usage, that's all 8 threads averaged, but specific core usage. So combined with the power available from that 1080ti and a low res of just 1080p, you are more than likely hitting close to 100% cpu usage on just 1 or 2 cores. Which is killing the fps. You'd not see such a drop if running 1440p, where the gpu actually has to do some work, resolution has no real impact on cpu usage, only gpu usage.

It's the game, mixed with the overpowered ability of a 1080ti. Check individual core usage when you hit the fps drops.

Sorry, I new to PC gaming. I thought if it slow at 1080p, it will be even slower at 1440p. So, higher resolution wouldn't make the game slower?

Thanks for this useful answer. I will check the individual core usage.
The cpu has to interpret all the info from source, game info from the hdd. It then shoots that at the gpu. The gpu paints the picture. The info is the same at 800x600, 1080p or 4k. At 1080p/60Hz, the cpu is giving that info at 60x a second, the gpu painting at 60fps, pretty easy for a 1080ti, not hard for a 7700k. If the game is pushing 300fps, it's a lot more work on the cpu, not so much on the gpu. Change that up to 1440p, and thats the same amount of info from cpu, but gpu is now working 1.7x harder to paint the picture. Max fps will drop, but that's dropped because the gpu is taxed, not the cpu, which now doesn't work as hard as it's only supplying 200fps, not 300fps.

It's a balance game, but if you figure the gpu only has to paint, but the cpu has to process, run the pc, move the info, balance ram intake, and other jobs all at the same time, so then even a little relaxation on fps makes it a lot less stress on the cpu. (that's a rough way of telling the job)

I think it will need a little time before I get a new 2k / 4k monitor, haha. Meanwhile, i have a chance to make video captures. If you see in the videos, there's no processor core that reach 100%. I still play at 1080p tho. Maybe you can take a look at these videos.

FPS drops at certain stair

FPS drops at first room

The game is smooth at other area, including area which I guessed need more rendering power, however why it drops in simple area like a room or stair?

Yes it is. I even tried to create custom resolution to simulate 1440p and downscaling. Same problem happened at the exact spot. I guess it has to be the game
i have exactly the same problem as you... with ASUS strrix 1080ti and AMD ryzen 1700 3.00ghz drops in crysis 2 and 3 but works well at other thought is that it may be the copy of those games have an issue i will try to download another copy and try it and give you the results

Yes, i think the problem is with the game. I also have similar problem played Batman: Arkham Knight. When I searched it online, most of the forums said that the game has performance issue. So I thought it might be same with the crysis 3 game
i put my 1080 ti in my friend rig which has AMD ryzen 1600 3.2ghz and played crysis 2 and 3 and it goes well with no drop at all...still there is a chance that he have a defferent copys of the two games that work well than mine and will try them to see
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