Crysis 3 LOW FPS help!


Jan 14, 2013
Getting 5 FPS on 1024x768 + low settings , no background program running ,
my specs
GPU : GTX 650 TI
PROC: core 2 duo E4300 @ 1.8 GHZ
Ram: 2 GB
MSI afterburner shows 30-40 GPU usage
I know that maybe bcoz of bottleneck but I should get a min 30 FPS ?

There are your issues right there plain and simple. Completely pathetic CPU with 2GB of DDR2. Nowadays 4GB of DDR3 is barely enough let alone 2GB of DDR2.

If you want to use your GPU properly, you are going to need to buy a new CPU + mobo + ram + maybe PSU as well. Not to mention the 650TI isn't even a good card for value (Can't even support SLI).

I dont want 60 FPS Gameplay but it should be playable on high to mid sett... :) BTW do you think 5-10 FPS is normal with that CPU ?

If you had a respectable CPU, yes easily. But with a CPU that falls under the minimum spec you can't expect to get anywhere. Its like pairing a Pentium 3 with a 690, the 690 has to slow down so that the Pentium 3 can cope, as all the information from the GPU can't get through because the CPU is too slow. That is a bottleneck, and quite a big one.

DEAD SPACE 3's MIN req 2.8 GHZ & mine falls under the minimum spec but I get 70-100+ FPS in ultra , why C3 IS more CPU dependent ? I dont get it !
The pretty much specifically make Crysis games to test your hardware, in my opinion. I've never played a Crysis game, never heard anyone talk about the gameplay. I think the game was made to satisfy all the nerds out there who make the greatest gaming rigs. Guild Wars 2 is another popular game that is quite taxing on the CPU.

Will there be FPS improvement If I switch two 4 GIGs for now ?
You know theres a reason why people spend thousands of dollars for high performance PC equipment. If all tasks could be done with a $500 budget then wed all be using consoles. If you want good performance, dont be cheap. And if you are cheap, dont expect high performance. See the logic in that?
Funny thing is an FX 8350 is leading the cpu benchmarks for Crysis 3, the game just loves cores.

Even with my 5.0 Ghz i5 2500k and SLI 680's there are parts in the game where my framrates dive.

You need a current generation CPU to enjoy this game!

I've seen gaming pc built with a 300$ budget. You don't need thousands of dollars to have a pc that plays games.

Wow 2 way 680's and FPS dives thats just unacceptable btw do you think AMD 's are good for multitasking + more performance for money ? than Intel :)

Yeah and could even go lower than that with a Raspberry Pi. I said high performance equipment. Not bottom of the barrel budget PC hardware. If Crysis 3 could be maxed on a $500 budget, dont you think wed all have $500 builds? Hence my point. Theres a reason people spend thousands on PC gear. Cause we want top line performance. The OP shouldnt expect anything but low level performance with his current gear or even a $500 budget.