1N07 Distinguished Feb 26, 2014 554 0 19,160 Mar 16, 2014 #1 Steam says: "Preparing to launch Crysis" and then the window disappears and after maybe 10 seconds comes back saying the same thing. This repeats over and over... I seriously doubt it's a hardware problem but my build is: FX-8350 GTX770 8GB RAM
Steam says: "Preparing to launch Crysis" and then the window disappears and after maybe 10 seconds comes back saying the same thing. This repeats over and over... I seriously doubt it's a hardware problem but my build is: FX-8350 GTX770 8GB RAM
Solution J J jamz4 Mar 16, 2014 If you have win7.64 try http://steamcommunity.com/app/17300/discussions/0/864945401070748061/
J jamz4 Honorable Mar 3, 2014 168 0 10,760 Mar 16, 2014 Solution #2 If you have win7.64 try http://steamcommunity.com/app/17300/discussions/0/864945401070748061/ Upvote 0 Downvote Solution
1N07 Distinguished Feb 26, 2014 554 0 19,160 Mar 17, 2014 #3 jamz4 : If you have win7.64 try http://steamcommunity.com/app/17300/discussions/0/864945401070748061/ I actually found this exact same thread earlier myself, tried it and it worked. Thanks anyway. Upvote 0 Downvote
jamz4 : If you have win7.64 try http://steamcommunity.com/app/17300/discussions/0/864945401070748061/ I actually found this exact same thread earlier myself, tried it and it worked. Thanks anyway.