Can someone recommend a video card that will certainly get me around 100 FPS for around $50? Is that even possible? I have a GT 610 and I'm not using it because of PSU problems but any recommendations? I'm currently using the integrated video card (Intel HD Graphics 200) but I'm only getting 50-70 FPS on 800x600 resolution with all video settings set on low. I would like to set my settings on medium and I would like to play on around 1440x900 and 100 FPS but 70 is fine. Any recommendations? \
Current specs:
i5 2400 Quad Core @ 3.1 ghz
Intel 2000 HD Graphics
4 GB DDR3 ram
Hewlett-Packard 1495 motherboard
Current specs:
i5 2400 Quad Core @ 3.1 ghz
Intel 2000 HD Graphics
4 GB DDR3 ram
Hewlett-Packard 1495 motherboard