CS:GO Low fps.

Sep 11, 2018

My problem is regarding low fps in CS:GO.
My current rig:
MBAM3 Gigabyte GA-870A-UD3
AMD Phenom II X6 1090T 3,2 Ghz AM3
CPUK AMD Arctic Alpine 64GT AM2/AM3
DDR3-1333 Kingston 4GB SINGLE MODUL (4 of these)
HDS 1000GB WD SATA3 7200rpm
HD 2,5" SSD Intel 80GB X25-M

Since I've read a ton of post on low fps in csgo and especially with the 1060. Well not really low fps, but more stuttering/fps drops. Normally FPS is between 110 to 170, but way too often it drops to around 50-70, which makes it so uncomfortable playing.
I've come to the conclusion that the problem is my CPU. Which should i upgrade to and should I exchange my MOBO in the process?
My current budget is around 335 euros. I hope someone can help me.
Feels like if i turn v-sync triple buffer on, the game runs smoother, but still fps drops/stuttering. My GPU is fully updated and I check for updates on a daily basis.
Check your CPU temperatures while gaming. If they exceed 61C for that particular CPU, you are in overheating area and it automatically downclocks to prevent further overheating. And such moments cause stuttering.

If temps are really like this, you need to check your fans (especially the one on CPU, it must be spinning), reseat the CPU cooler, replace thermal paste, clean heatsink from dust, or simply get a better 3rd party cooler as the last measure.
Is the program from the youtube video legit?

I have cleaned my CPU, I dont see any dust or similar that should cause overheating, but I will try to monitor the CPU temp and see if that's the problem.
Regarding CPU thermal paste, is this easy to apply?

just try to put not to much or to little on it.
I just tried playing CS for about 45-60 minutes and CPU temp was max 57 degress, is this too much?
However my rig is rather old except for the GPU, so buying some thermal paste might not be a bad idea.

57 degree max for a cpu is good. no need to reapply termal paste
Ok, so I tried playing a game with the ESEA client and at the same time using Discord, which forced my CPU to temps at 65-64. Maybe the thermal paste isn't that bad an idea. Will this solve my issue?

probably, but go ahead, new thermal paste is always an good idea.

check if nothing else is running in the background

maybe your ram speed is the problem?