So i started to get this fps drop about 1 week ago (before that my game was perfect with no problems). I get a serious FPS drop when i start to shoot at players and it makes it worse when they shoot back, i go from 350+ FPS down to around 50-100 FPS. When i play matchmaking games and the enemy is taking a site and shooting my teammates my FPS takes the hit and it really makes it hard to play the game right.
Things i've tried to fix it-
Reinstalling CSGO,
Deleting CSGO config,
Launch options,
Reinstalling Nvidia drivers,
and i've also restarted/reformatted windows 10 and that didn't fix.
My Specs-
Windows 10,
CPU- Intel i7-4790,
GPU- Windforce GTX 970,
RAM- Corsair 16 GB(8x2),
I get absolutely no problems on any other way more demanding games so i don't really know what could be the problem, maybe one of you have had this problem and have found a solution.
Things i've tried to fix it-
Reinstalling CSGO,
Deleting CSGO config,
Launch options,
Reinstalling Nvidia drivers,
and i've also restarted/reformatted windows 10 and that didn't fix.
My Specs-
Windows 10,
CPU- Intel i7-4790,
GPU- Windforce GTX 970,
RAM- Corsair 16 GB(8x2),
I get absolutely no problems on any other way more demanding games so i don't really know what could be the problem, maybe one of you have had this problem and have found a solution.