(CSGO) FPS Drop on Good PC


Jul 2, 2016
So i started to get this fps drop about 1 week ago (before that my game was perfect with no problems). I get a serious FPS drop when i start to shoot at players and it makes it worse when they shoot back, i go from 350+ FPS down to around 50-100 FPS. When i play matchmaking games and the enemy is taking a site and shooting my teammates my FPS takes the hit and it really makes it hard to play the game right.

Things i've tried to fix it-
Reinstalling CSGO,
Deleting CSGO config,
Launch options,
Reinstalling Nvidia drivers,
and i've also restarted/reformatted windows 10 and that didn't fix.

My Specs-
Windows 10,
CPU- Intel i7-4790,
GPU- Windforce GTX 970,
RAM- Corsair 16 GB(8x2),

I get absolutely no problems on any other way more demanding games so i don't really know what could be the problem, maybe one of you have had this problem and have found a solution.

No... The thing is there shouldn't be any issues with my hardware because like i said its only on CSGO that this happens and i play ALOT more demanding games like BF4, Rust, Arma 3, Arma 2, etc with ZERO problems. It just makes no sense to me.

try verifying cache on steam properties.

Not to be rude or anything but i don't think you will be any help to my problem, i have done way more than just verifying cache if you would have read above. Thanks for trying to help though i appreciate it.