CSGO high ping During In game.

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Feb 2, 2015
When playing CSGO in game, I am having a problem cuz my ping spikes from 120-200 but before i have a stable 30 ping.. When I go out or alt+tab out of the game my ping checker drop down to normal 30. then when i go back in the game my ping spike all over again.

my internet provider is Skybroadband 16mbps.

PC specs:

Processor: G3260
Ram: 8gb ddr3
HD: 1tb wd blue
GPU: GTX660 ti

Im using dlink wireless card.

This is the only online game that pissed me off because of the spiky ping issue. other games like D3 Dota 2 Heroes of Storm LOL and other xbox games its all good.

Is there any way to fix this issue I have already tried reinstalling the game from scratch, clearing steam cache, ipconfig release, renew.
I am assuming you leave a constant ping run to something like and it gets higher only when the game runs ?

Do you have another device you could run the ping on. If the ping changes on another device also then it is likely the game is causing you to exceed the bandwidth of your connection, likely the upload. If there is no problem on the secondary device it is likely a problem with the game itself. Those are really hard to find, I have seen strange stuff like people changing video setting fixing issues like this. No idea why because they are not related so it is just the game messing the machine up.

hmm well i ping run the csgo server and google. In CSGO main menu or finding match it doesn't spike at all but when im on the main game or playing the game its frustrating the ping suddenly spike up to 120 150 then 230 its weird. Yeah im really having problem finding a solution to fix this issue
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