I have a i5 3570k with a gtx 1060 3gb and I’m getting around 100-120 FPS on pretty low settings in csgo. I don’t think this is normal because I see videos with the same setup getting upwards of 200+ FPS. Thanks for helping!
Your Frame rates might have been capped at 120, try typing "fps_max 0" in console and make sure you don't have any 3rd party apps limiting the framerate. Also Try disabling VSYNC and running the game in Full screen windowed or windowed
Your Frame rates might have been capped at 120, try typing "fps_max 0" in console and make sure you don't have any 3rd party apps limiting the framerate. Also Try disabling VSYNC and running the game in Full screen windowed or windowed
Your Frame rates might have been capped at 120, try typing "fps_max 0" in console and make sure you don't have any 3rd party apps limiting the framerate. Also Try disabling VSYNC and running the game in Full screen windowed or windowed