CSGO Refresh Rate

Ruhan Qureshi

Aug 30, 2013
I own a LG 22MP56 its 60hz monitor, I overclocked it successfully to 74hz 1920x1080 , I tried a lower resolution because I run csgo at 4:3 blackbars 1280x960 and the max refresh rate on that is 74hz as well, I launched csgo and wrote mat_info in console and it tells me I'm running the game at 60hz I've tried adding -freq 74 -refresh 74 in the launch options, it didn't fix the problem, the only way to fix the problem was I switch to 1280x960 74hz through nvidia control panel, and launch CSGO in fullscreen windowed mode which I hate doing, if anyone could help me out and tell me how do I run the game at 74hz by default so I don't have to switch to windowed fullscreen everytime, cause the colours and brightness look weird and there a small mouse input delay.