This has been like that for a really long time. I think it was worked the other day but it's not working again so I might have been dreaming or something.
What can I do? All the other shortcuts work. It's system wide. No viruses on my PC.
Assuming this is a desktop PC, trying a different Kb would seem the obvious thing to try -- just a borrowed or cheap Kb is all you need to test for faulty Kb - - - if test proves it's your Kb that's faulty, buy a new one.
Assuming this is a desktop PC, trying a different Kb would seem the obvious thing to try -- just a borrowed or cheap Kb is all you need to test for faulty Kb - - - if test proves it's your Kb that's faulty, buy a new one.
The on-screen keyboard CTR-F doesn't work either. CTRL+C/V works though.