CUDA cores or VRAAM


Oct 24, 2015
I just wanna know.......... which much more important for high-end 3D modeling and Rendering with heavy video editing to any GPU/Graphics card................

CUDA Cores

there is many card has nVidia that much cuda core but lower vram
or, much vram and lower cuda cores

If I wanna get both 'cuda cores and vram" so basically I have spend more money ........... GTX 98Ti or recent card like GTX 1080

one thing I should clear hear I will not prefer to Quado here.......... that is too expensive but fewer cuda and vram to compare to price value
Have a look at this article from Tomshardare some time ago. At some point it is mentioned vram at 4gb performs really good at some 3d proffesional applications. Also it gives quite good info on various 3d prof programs benchmarks.,3778.html
Surprisingly firepro (amd cards) win over nvidia ones on performance / price and even on straight performance. It is also fun to see amd r9 290x beating at some benchmarks most if not all the 3d proffesional graphic cards lol.

this is not my point........... I just wanna ensure which is more important to profession ........... Cuda cores or Vram??

if both r important.......... so I think 1080 is slight less cuda but more Vram may be the perfect choice ......... what u think guys................... ?????????
I'm not sure why you're deadset against a professional GPU (Quadro/FirePro) when it's exactly what you would want for your stated use case (heavy 3D modeling and rendering, heavy video editing). Workstation GPUs are designed to work well with the software used in rendering/modeling/video editing, while consumer GPUs are built to push frames fast for gaming.

This prior discussion (here) goes over just how much more effective a Quadro is in comparison to a consumer GPU from the same generation. If you're still absolutely set against getting a workstation GPU, then the discussion linked also highlights that VRAM is typically more valuable in those sorts of workloads.
The answer isn't that simple. Cuda cores are not created equal and one with 100 can win vs another with 500 even if the same amount of vram. You are simplifying it too much but if it's the same architecture, the higher spec card is better and vram is not as important. But at the same time, there has to be enough vram to render or there will be issues. So you do need to know how much you will need and 8gb is plenty. Go with a 1080 over a 980ti.
And i really dont know how awesome cuda cores are for proffesional 3d. they are made for speed and not for high definition design however if rendering speed is important (3dmax, vray etc).
Core speed is also important, quality of cuda cores even more. take a look at this post.
GTX 780Ti > K6000 > GTX Titan > GTX 780 >> GTX 770/680 > K5000 > GTX 670 > GTX 760 >> GTX 660 >> K4000
Funny that titan is not that good eh!
Also there is no way you can cover all 3d proffesional work with your vram, make sure you also have 32gb of fast RAM! :)

Your point is very strong......... But I have not enough money to buy a minimum 2500CUDA@8GB VRAM Quado card......... because they r expensive....... did u get that
Be aware that some software may have issues at first with a new gpu architecture so need some time to be updated. That forum post is over 2 years old and doesn't include maxwell quadros or the 900 series. Of course the titan is worse than a k6000 or 780ti, look at the specs. It's a bit useless post though since it's so old and outdated but the point is, a higher spec card (number of cores can't be compared with different architecture) will be faster at gpu rendering.
Have a look at this article from Tomshardare some time ago. At some point it is mentioned vram at 4gb performs really good at some 3d proffesional applications. Also it gives quite good info on various 3d prof programs benchmarks.,3778.html
Surprisingly firepro (amd cards) win over nvidia ones on performance / price and even on straight performance. It is also fun to see amd r9 290x beating at some benchmarks most if not all the 3d proffesional graphic cards lol.