Currently buying a pc, this is the best value build i could muster, any ideas?


Aug 4, 2015
So here are the parts, and i'll explain my reasoning for each part

CPU: pentium G2358

As far as overclocking goes, this is supposed to be a beast, at a very good value. Gaming performance is great too.

MOBO: asrock z97 anniversary

Picked this due to oc'ing the pentium, and overall great socket and chipset(so i'll be able to upgrade to a better cpu later on(which i intend to)

RAM: 8GB kingston hyper beast 1600 mhz( Got 2 sticks of Them at a great value)

GPU: Asus R9 280x DCU ii

Great card, great Price-performance. Im gonna upgrade it later, but that is after the cpu

CASE: Corsair 100r window

Got it at a decent Price, and it doesen't look terrible. Good cable management, and a Nice amount of space for radiators in the future

HDD: WD 1TB Green 7200

Decent ti start off with, and im getting a ssd at a later point.

PSU: EVGA 430 watt 80+ certified (sorry for the name) white power

Fine psu, great value, and good reviews

What do you guys Think?


Nov 10, 2013
tons of things are better than this setup for best all around value. You want value? Here's value without bottlenecks

CPU: G3258
MOBO: MSI H91M-P33 (great mobo for OC pentium)
RAM: Whatever u have
GPU: GTX 750 Ti (Save money and reduce bottleneck headaches, still works just fine on 1080p)
Case: Whatever u have
HDD: wd 1tb blue or black, no green
PSU: Not a fine psu, not good value. Look at Antec VP-450. I personally use it and have never had whine or power deficiency issues.

newbie Admin

Aug 4, 2015
Since I do not know your budget I cannot recommend much but SSD is the way to go. You can add HDD later when you have the money to do so.

Most SSD 120gb price is almost equal to 250gb so go with higher capacity. 500gb is ideal to me but maybe overkill for you.. depending on how many games you want to install. There are slight different from installing games on SDD and D: drive. Not to the point that you will notice since it is only on the loading screen duration. :)


Nov 10, 2013
^^ OP, this doesn't make sense for your budget. SSD's are not meant to be used as primary storage devices because each time you completely use up a block of data, that block of data is completely inaccessible. It is extremely easy to use up blocks and you need to think about everything you're going to install and your methods before doing so with ssds. There's basically no optimization software that works like defragmentation because ssds line everything up when you put data on them, so you're stuck with what you install. You're better off with the 1tb 7200rpm blue drive. You're not supposed to install, reinstall, and reinstall your OS again because that's what you're going to need to do if you go ssd+hdd later. Plus there's the space of an hdd, and the speed is just fine with sata iii.