Question Currently considering RTX 4070... Wait for 16 GB?


Dec 25, 2015
Hi I am looking for some advice on buying a new GPU sometime in the next several months. I've always liked the Nvidia 70 level of their lineup. I'm kinda locked into Nvidia since I have a G-Sync 1440 ultrawide monitor. Also would be nice to have the best ray tracing for the future. I read a 16 GB version of the RTX 4070 might be coming out soon. Would it be prudent for me to wait for that card instead of getting an RTX 4070? Any other models to consider? I usually just play indie games but even those are suffering under the speed of my 970 right now at ultrawide 3440x1440. Also I could dip into AAA games sometime if I am so inclined. Anything else to factor into my decision? And finally is G-Sync going to fizzle away and die considering G-Sync Compatible Freesync monitors are a thing?

When you say, next several months, how long do you actually anticipate? Whenever I give my friends PC component advice, l always end with the caution "All advice that I've given should be considered null-and-void after two to three weeks from now". Pricing and the market landscape can indeed change that quickly.

With all that said, a RTX 4070 is a monster upgrade over a GTX 970.

~400% rasterization boost
(3.4X if you consider the 970 a 3.5GB VRAM GPU).
ray tracing support


source: relative performance chart courtesy of techpowerup

I happen to be a 1440p gamer as well. I play on a LG 27GP850 1440p 180 Hz display. If I were in your position, I wouldn't hesitate to upgrade to the RTX 4070. With that said, by the time that you're ready to purchase, maybe AMD will have a competing product with 16GB of VRAM. But if I had the money now, then personally I'd upgrade ASAP and enjoy the heck out of it.
@rcald2000 Thanks dude, I'm locked into Nvidia since I have a GSync monitor. Would there be sufficient reason to wait for a 16 GB RTX 4070 if one ever comes out? IIRC Tom's Hardware said even the most demanding AAA games now only use 12 GB. Also it sounds like the RTX 4070 is a good GPU not to be outdone in any significant way by say a 4060 Ti 16 GB right?
@rcald2000 Thanks dude, I'm locked into Nvidia since I have a GSync monitor. Would there be sufficient reason to wait for a 16 GB RTX 4070 if one ever comes out? IIRC Tom's Hardware said even the most demanding AAA games now only use 12 GB. Also it sounds like the RTX 4070 is a good GPU not to be outdone in any significant way by say a 4060 Ti 16 GB right?
Nvidia couldn't possibly come out with a 16GB variant of the RTX 4070, unless they completely reengineered the card, after which it would essentially be a different GPU with a different bus width. Although I have zero insight into the inner-workings of Nvidia, I feel confident saying that you're waiting for a product that will almost certainly never come. Most likely if you're determined to wait for a 16GB+ Nvidia GPU in the $600 price range, then you'll be waiting for the RTX 5000 series, and even then there are no guarantees. My best guess is that the flagship (RTX 5090) will be released in October 2024, with lower tier models following in the subsequent months.

I hate to say it, but if you're determined to have a $600 12/16GB VRAM Nvidia GPU, then you honestly have no other choices. And since you're gaming on 1440p/1440p ultrawide, with a GTX 970, you're currently in the midst of a gaming emergency. I would buy the 4070 in your case, and then give the 970 to a friend in need. That's what I would do.
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Actually forgot one question I have - I have a Corsair HX850 Platinum PSU, 850W. I remember reading a generation or two ago for Nvidia GPUs that they can experience power spikes much higher than normal power consumption and thus required higher capacity PSUs that they otherwise would. Is this still true with Nvidia 40 series GPUs? Can I easily get away with my current PSU? I also have a 5900x CPU. Thanks again!