Curse of MI difficulty levs...

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Sean is not a monkey:

|> Actually, a while back I found a post by John F. Ievins from 1992. He
|> replied to a post made by me in 1999. However, I cannot find it again, so
|> I assume Google Groups has rectified this absurdity!
|To the Google-machinetime! I will post before Kasper if it's the last
|thing I do! Pixel, get your waders. You can be my henchman.

Is this an unavailing attempt to challenge and undermine the authority of
the posters of old?


It won't be just a memory.

"Alas, my error was trusting Aglami
to do anything in the first place."
- Rob, in alt.roundtable
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Earlier ervaqre muttered:

>|> Actually, a while back I found a post by John F. Ievins from 1992. He
>|> replied to a post made by me in 1999. However, I cannot find it again, so
>|> I assume Google Groups has rectified this absurdity!
>|To the Google-machinetime! I will post before Kasper if it's the last
>|thing I do! Pixel, get your waders. You can be my henchman.
>Is this an unavailing attempt to challenge and undermine the authority of
>the posters of old?


pixel - knight of aglami
pixel at aglami dot net
msn: johannesvanderwerf at hotmail dot com
icq: 58550811
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Pixel "#~ is not a monkey:

|>Is this an unavailing attempt to challenge and undermine the authority of
|>the posters of old?

You delusional twit! Go back to your Texas!


It won't be just a memory.

"Alas, my error was trusting Aglami
to do anything in the first place."
- Rob, in alt.roundtable
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ervaqre wrote:

> |>Is this an unavailing attempt to challenge and undermine the authority of
> |>the posters of old?
> |
> You delusional twit! Go back to your Texas!

You cannot oppress us any more! This is revolution!
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Earlier ervaqre muttered:

>|>Is this an unavailing attempt to challenge and undermine the authority of
>|>the posters of old?
>You delusional twit! Go back to your Texas!

I not ain't from Texas the.

pixel - knight of aglami
pixel at aglami dot net
msn: johannesvanderwerf at hotmail dot com
icq: 58550811
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Earlier Sean muttered:

>> |>Is this an unavailing attempt to challenge and undermine the authority of
>> |>the posters of old?
>> |
>> You delusional twit! Go back to your Texas!
>You cannot oppress us any more! This is revolution!

Liberté and stuff!

pixel - knight of aglami
pixel at aglami dot net
msn: johannesvanderwerf at hotmail dot com
icq: 58550811
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Pixel "#~ is not a monkey:

|>You delusional twit! Go back to your Texas!
|I not ain't from Texas the.

I once gave Texas to you, don't you remember?


It won't be just a memory.

"Alas, my error was trusting Aglami
to do anything in the first place."
- Rob, in alt.roundtable
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Sean is not a monkey:

|> You delusional twit! Go back to your Texas!
|You cannot oppress us any more! This is revolution!

What makes you think that? The sky is still blue, I see no signs of a
revolution. And besides, revolutions are silly, what the Aglamians want is
stability, with a dictator they can trust.


It won't be just a memory.

"Alas, my error was trusting Aglami
to do anything in the first place."
- Rob, in alt.roundtable
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ervaqre wrote:

> |> |WE SHALL RULE!!!
> |>
> |> You delusional twit! Go back to your Texas!
> |
> |You cannot oppress us any more! This is revolution!
> What makes you think that? The sky is still blue, I see no signs of a
> revolution. And besides, revolutions are silly, what the Aglamians want is
> stability, with a dictator they can trust.

Hahaha, you are the most untrustworthy shoe I have ever seen!
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Sean is not a monkey:

|> What makes you think that? The sky is still blue, I see no signs of a
|> revolution. And besides, revolutions are silly, what the Aglamians want is
|> stability, with a dictator they can trust.
|Hahaha, you are the most untrustworthy shoe I have ever seen!

Everybody in here trusts me. I know the innermost secrets of all
Aglamians. You are a lone rebel and will be crushed.


It won't be just a memory.

"Alas, my error was trusting Aglami
to do anything in the first place."
- Rob, in alt.roundtable
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Earlier ervaqre muttered:

>|>You delusional twit! Go back to your Texas!
>|I not ain't from Texas the.
>I once gave Texas to you, don't you remember?

No. What would I want with Texas?

pixel - knight of aglami
pixel at aglami dot net
msn: johannesvanderwerf at hotmail dot com
icq: 58550811
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Pixel "#~ is not a monkey:

|>|I not ain't from Texas the.
|>I once gave Texas to you, don't you remember?
|No. What would I want with Texas?

It is supposed to be a very beautiful state. Nice people, good economy, it
is very spacious, it has a relatively low cost of living. What more could
you want?


It won't be just a memory.

"Alas, my error was trusting Aglami
to do anything in the first place."
- Rob, in alt.roundtable
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ervaqre wrote:

> |> What makes you think that? The sky is still blue, I see no signs of a
> |> revolution. And besides, revolutions are silly, what the Aglamians want is
> |> stability, with a dictator they can trust.
> |
> |Hahaha, you are the most untrustworthy shoe I have ever seen!
> Everybody in here trusts me. I know the innermost secrets of all
> Aglamians. You are a lone rebel and will be crushed.

If you strike me down I shall leave a nasty smear on whichever surface
you strike me down on! And the smear will be pretty much impossible to
get out and you'll have to paint over it! This I promise you!
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Sean is not a monkey:

|> Everybody in here trusts me. I know the innermost secrets of all
|> Aglamians. You are a lone rebel and will be crushed.
|If you strike me down I shall leave a nasty smear on whichever surface
|you strike me down on! And the smear will be pretty much impossible to
|get out and you'll have to paint over it! This I promise you!

No problem! When I was young I was a professional concrete block painter.
I only had to paint them in two colours, red and yellow. Which is it going
to be?


It won't be just a memory.

"Alas, my error was trusting Aglami
to do anything in the first place."
- Rob, in alt.roundtable
Archived from groups: (More info?)

Earlier ervaqre muttered:

>|>|I not ain't from Texas the.
>|>I once gave Texas to you, don't you remember?
>|No. What would I want with Texas?
>It is supposed to be a very beautiful state. Nice people, good economy, it
>is very spacious, it has a relatively low cost of living. What more could
>you want?


pixel - knight of aglami
pixel at aglami dot net
msn: johannesvanderwerf at hotmail dot com
icq: 58550811
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ervaqre <> hit the keyboard.
Afterwards the following was on the screen:

> Rasmus Bøg Hansen is not a monkey:
> |Ah, but that seems natural to do. After all you are the grog-swilling
> |pirates, I want to be - how could I not respect your authorita - ehm,
> |authoritY!
> |
> |*leaves to play beertimate*
> |
> |Hard to keep up on aglami with all this drinking...
> Ah! So, well, I have been white with idle towers for a while. But patience

My towers weren't idle, they have just been placed in totally
irresponsible places (ie. too far from usenet)...

> is a welcome milestone with syrup. Too much elephants clogged these waters
> in the old days when pink was plastered over secret cave entrances. Yes,
> salmon disk with snake rivers seldom matters, do you not fully and
> flexibly agree? This is your fifth, final and fishiest trial:

Oh my!

> 5. Beng snam pang! Find out who was the first Dane ever to post to Aglami!

Ah. This wasn't at all the easiest one. Nonetheless it seems to be
"P.H.", who posted this:

on december the 2nd 1998. Also he had quite som activity in a danish
humor-group (dk.snak.vittigheder) which points strongly to his

He is, of course, no regular anymore it seems; actually he seems to
have disappeared from usenet at all, or perhaps changed his posting

Another PH posts on the same danish group (dk.snak.vittigheder):

He posts from the same IP as this guy:

who is "Peter Højgård".

The link between the first post and the danish Peter is not very
reliable; however I probably am not getting any closer without getting
drunk first...


-- [ Rasmus "Møffe" Bøg Hansen ] ---------------------------------------
Hidden DOS secret:
----------------------------------------------[ moffe at zz9 dot dk ] --
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ervaqre wrote:

> |> Everybody in here trusts me. I know the innermost secrets of all
> |> Aglamians. You are a lone rebel and will be crushed.
> |
> |If you strike me down I shall leave a nasty smear on whichever surface
> |you strike me down on! And the smear will be pretty much impossible to
> |get out and you'll have to paint over it! This I promise you!
> No problem! When I was young I was a professional concrete block painter.
> I only had to paint them in two colours, red and yellow. Which is it going
> to be?

Burnt sienna.
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ervaqre <> hit the keyboard.
Afterwards the following was on the screen:

> Kasper is not a monkey:
> |>I still haven't figured out all the rankings; I guess I will in
> |>time...
> |
> |Don't we have a list of that somewhere? Reinder?
> Tadaa! However, many of these do not post in Aglami anymore. Also, the
> list is incomplete.

Not that it really matters now but wasn't that a bad time to post it?
I mean, I was in the middle of my fifth trial.

Then again, if I was right it was of no use to me at all ;o)


-- [ Rasmus "Møffe" Bøg Hansen ] ---------------------------------------
There are three kinds of lies:
lies, politics and statistics.
----------------------------------------------[ moffe at zz9 dot dk ] --
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Sean <> hit the keyboard.
Afterwards the following was on the screen:

> ervaqre wrote:
>> Kasper is not a monkey: |>I still haven't figured out all the
>> rankings; I guess I will in
>> |>time...
>> |
>> |Don't we have a list of that somewhere? Reinder?
>> Tadaa! However, many of these do not post in Aglami anymore. Also,
>> the list is incomplete.
>> | Februari 1998, Aglami was created along with other LucasArts |
>> newsgroups
> ...
>> | Reinder (15 May 1999) the most important of all!
> ...
>> | Kasper (16 July 1999)
>> |
>> | Sean (18 July 1999)
> By two days, you bastard.

Better than 6 years ;o)

*feels a presence of people being the boss of me*


-- [ Rasmus "Møffe" Bøg Hansen ] ---------------------------------------
You don't win friends with salad.
-- Homer Simpson
----------------------------------------------[ moffe at zz9 dot dk ] --
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"Pixel \"#~" <> hit the keyboard.
Afterwards the following was on the screen:

> Earlier Sean muttered:
>>> |>Is this an unavailing attempt to challenge and undermine the authority of
>>> |>the posters of old?
>>> |
>>> You delusional twit! Go back to your Texas!
>>You cannot oppress us any more! This is revolution!
> Liberté and stuff!

Ah, you say that only because of France!


-- [ Rasmus "Møffe" Bøg Hansen ] ---------------------------------------
I'm gonna wear some fake disguise.
-- Mick Jagger
----------------------------------------------[ moffe at zz9 dot dk ] --
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Sean <> hit the keyboard.
Afterwards the following was on the screen:

> ervaqre wrote:
>> |> What makes you think that? The sky is still blue, I see no signs
>> of a |> revolution. And besides, revolutions are silly, what the
>> Aglamians want is |> stability, with a dictator they can trust. |
>> |Hahaha, you are the most untrustworthy shoe I have ever seen!
>> Everybody in here trusts me. I know the innermost secrets of all
>> Aglamians. You are a lone rebel and will be crushed.
> If you strike me down I shall leave a nasty smear on whichever surface
> you strike me down on! And the smear will be pretty much impossible to
> get out and you'll have to paint over it! This I promise you!

Ah, bacon leaves those stains too.


-- [ Rasmus "Møffe" Bøg Hansen ] ---------------------------------------
There is no insanity, just different perceptions of reality.
----------------------------------------------[ moffe at zz9 dot dk ] --
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ervaqre <> hit the keyboard.
Afterwards the following was on the screen:

> Pixel "#~ is not a monkey:
> |>|There was a nearly finished RRRRR? Why did you not finish it!?!?
> |>
> |>Well, it was still missing a lot of information!
> |
> |Oh... :/
> And I forgot the salt! And the pepper!

Wouldn't curry be better?


-- [ Rasmus "Møffe" Bøg Hansen ] ---------------------------------------
To alcohol!
The cause of - and solution to - all of life's problems!
-- Homer Simpson
----------------------------------------------[ moffe at zz9 dot dk ] --
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Rasmus Bøg Hansen wrote:

>>>Kasper is not a monkey: |>I still haven't figured out all the
>>>rankings; I guess I will in
>>>|Don't we have a list of that somewhere? Reinder?
>>>Tadaa! However, many of these do not post in Aglami anymore. Also,
>>>the list is incomplete.
>>>| Februari 1998, Aglami was created along with other LucasArts |
>>>| Reinder (15 May 1999) the most important of all!
>>>| Kasper (16 July 1999)
>>>| Sean (18 July 1999)
>>By two days, you bastard.
> Better than 6 years ;o)
> *feels a presence of people being the boss of me*

No, that was me, sorry. I'll keep my hands to myself from now on, I promise.
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Rasmus Bøg Hansen wrote:

>>And a "mof" is a not so nice name for a German.
> *me looks in his memory*
> Nope, almost no trace of knowledge to german languge...

Yeah, the Danish education system will do that.
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ervaqre wrote:

> Sean is not a monkey:
> |> What makes you think that? The sky is still blue, I see no signs of a
> |> revolution. And besides, revolutions are silly, what the Aglamians want is
> |> stability, with a dictator they can trust.
> |
> |Hahaha, you are the most untrustworthy shoe I have ever seen!
> Everybody in here trusts me. I know the innermost secrets of all
> Aglamians. You are a lone rebel and will be crushed.
um, i'm pretty sure *i* know the innermost secrets, actually. but its
ok, i don't want to be teh're doing a fine job