I think curved monitors are a great advantage for large monitors.
I'm working on two 16:9 31.5 inch monitors, one flat, one curved and I like the curved much more as the edges are not that distorted.
However, to display a full page of an A4 text document properly I would prefer an even larger screen height. On 16:9 31.5 inch, I can easily show tow pages side by side and still have unused screen space on the sides, but it's squeezed on the top and bottom of the screen. I would love to zoom in to improve the readability of small fonts, but then a full page is cut of at the top and bottom.
Therefore, for text processing all the super wide monitors (21:9 or 32:9) are of no use. I would rather go for 16:9 with more than 32 inch or a large 16:10 if a decent mode is available.
Does anyone know if there are large 16:10 curved monitors or 16:9 with more than 32 inch?