Custom atx/mboard cabling

Scott White

Mar 26, 2014
Hi all, I'm aiming to build a small, clean and custom gaming machine which essentially will look pretty on the dining room table and not like a gargantuan zombie killer dominating my living space. Pretty much a steam box or something like that. This will be my 2nd build and i'm on a learning curve for some things, but all the same its very exciting.

This is going to be totally overkill and expensive but its something i've always wanted to do so i've budgeted accordingly. Essentially all the components for this are going to be a tight fit and for this build I want to have the cabling especially tidy. While the case offers plenty of options for cable management to tie them cleanly out of the way I still feel the length of atx cables are too long for the most part, and the bottom bay looks terribly messy even with cable management. So I'm looking for custom cabling to specified lengths. I've been to usual suspects ( but they do pretty standard cabling sets and not really what i'm after.

Can anyone recommend a custom cable builder for this?

hehe i'm so excited for this over the top build, to get an idea here's the stuff:

i5-4670k or i7 (havent really decided) probably an i7 4770k for more OC but for this its not really going to utlise the i7 to its full capacity hence the i5 possible choice instead,
Corsair H100i cpu cooler,
ASRock Z87E-ITX mini mb,
2 x 8GB Corsair Dominator Platinum 2400,
2 x Samsung 840 EVO 250GB SSD (Raid 0)
2 x WD 3 TB (Red edition) HD (Raid 1)
Evga Geforce GTX 780Ti 3GB (may go for the superclocked version at 1ghz)
Corsair 250D ITX Mini Case,
RM 550w 80+ Gold Cert atx power supply,
Windows 8.1 (I'm also going to have 2 more ssd's set aside with UB OS as windows is bleh),
I'm replacing all the stock fans with Noctua for silence. 140mm front, 2x120mm for radiator and i'm going to mod the case a little with a custom bracket to hold a 120mm on the back for exhaust. The case does allow for 2x80mm fans but i've checked the rig with GTX 780i + H100i and they will not fix but there is plenty of space in between to get a 120mm smack in the middle without impeding on mobo or other components,
and of course the requested custom made to fit cabling to make it look spanky. May even throw some strip lighting on top panel to illuminate stuff.

Looking forward to your thoughts and if anyone can recommend the cable guy?!
Well due to lack of response i've gone on a fact finding mission myself. This has pushed over to the dark side. I'm going to do the cabling myself :) Should be an interesting project.

"lack of response" is probably due to the fact that this is not even a 6 hr old thread and was posted at 1:18 AM Eastern US time.

For some reason you said "small" yet want to put in a giant high end video card and 4 hard drives in the case and want to overclock it which means a larger cooling system. That does not really sound like it will be a small system.

Exactly what cables are too long for you? The power supply ones?
@hang-the-9 - Yeah sorry about the impatience there. Just super keen! I meant no disrepects to the community.

Regarding the build when I mentioned "small" I do mean small in size but not in performance. Hence the large components. I'm looking to fit an mega gaming machine in small form factor, so the corsair 250d offers a beautiful small case which I can stick high end graphics and components in.

This is where the cabling comes in. Although my selected psu is modular the cables are way too big for this build. I want as much airflow as possible to be utilised. Since the only place for the cables is on the front bay directly behind the 140mm front fan the airflow will be greatly reduced and inefficient. I've been to Lutro0 customs regarding my cables and to learn. Since my post, I've already created a set of custom atx psu cables, set the connectors and tested each one for the correct voltage so I'm well on my way now. This week I'm going to learn some some clean sleeving techniques. Once I'm happy I'll be redoing the entire project with a colour scheme to fit the noctua fans (which are fugly hehe).

I've also made a custom wire bay to allow all the cabling to be laid out flat against the bottom of the case. This will the airflow to have no direct obstacles.