Custom Built PC doesn't display anything when starting up.


May 8, 2015
Hello everyone,
I have recently built my own PC and have been unable to have anything come up on the display or hear any beeps. I haven’t been able to install Windows or even get to the BIOS. Everything powers up and my fans and LEDs work. There is no indication that power is being sent to the keyboard and mouse as the mouse’s optical light doesn’t power up or the num lock etc.. lights come on. My Graphics card fan doesn’t power up and spin either. I have tried reseating the RAM, removing the GPU running off the onboard display without the GPU in. Below is my setup:
MoBo: Asus M5A78L-M/USB3
GPU: Asus R7240-2GD3-L
CPU: AMD FX 8320
PSU: Corsair CX600
RAM: 8GB Vengeance® — 32GB Dual/Quad Channel DDR3 Memory Kit

I know all of my cables are hooked up correctly and have already contacted Tiger Direct to get a refund but if I can get it running that would be great. Any help is welcomed!
I'd suspect a faulty motherboard, since the integrated GPU isn't working either.But there could also be something a lot less major like a faulty cable connection.Don't worry, some mobos(very small minority) do come with faults right from the factory.You should be able to get a refund
Hard to say without having some spares to fault find, (spare ram, CPU etc). Can you borrow some bits of a friend to fault test components? e.g. some RAM / CPU, i.e isolate the issue to a single component e.g the MB? Most of us have had at some time a DOA MB so i can feel your pain.
I'd suspect a faulty motherboard, since the integrated GPU isn't working either.But there could also be something a lot less major like a faulty cable connection.Don't worry, some mobos(very small minority) do come with faults right from the factory.You should be able to get a refund