Custom Built PC Runs Slowly


Sep 14, 2017
My custom built pc runs slow as well as having limited functionality. For example anytime I try to system restore, refresh, or run scans etc it errors out.
I've run driver updates, multiple anti-virus, cleaning software, etc and nothing seems to be fixed.

I'll run games and most of the time they're around 10-50 fps but it jumps around frequently.
Aside from that I'm pretty sure my hdd is corrupted but I wanted to see if there's anything I'm missing before I buy new parts.

I built it a little over a year ago and has been fine up until a few months ago I started noticing a few problems, but it was manageable and didn't bother me, but now it's bad.

Intel i7-4790K 4.00 GHz
Windows 10 Home
Corsair 500W
Nvidia Geforce 970
MSI Z97A Gaming 7

As a weird side note, for the entirety of 9/11 my computer didn't want to connect to any monitor, however once I rebooted it on the 12 it was fine. Probably nothing, but might as well mention it.
I'd gather newest drivers, start backing up what you need, and consider a full quick formate/reinstall, not forgetting all required chipset drivers and GPU drivers...(do not settle for default MS drivers on anything)

Lots of peoples systems got botched (stuttering games, etc) with last round of WIndows updates....
I'd gather newest drivers, start backing up what you need, and consider a full quick formate/reinstall, not forgetting all required chipset drivers and GPU drivers...(do not settle for default MS drivers on anything)

Lots of peoples systems got botched (stuttering games, etc) with last round of WIndows updates....

Alright, that's unfortunate, but thank you for the reply.