Custom case commissioning


Feb 16, 2016

I am in a rather unique circumstance.Three years ago, I built my first custom pc into an old case. Two years ago, I built a custom case out of acrylic sheets and rods. It looks great, still works and is incredibly impractical.

Essentially, I have an idea for a new case that would look great. However, I have no need for a new system. So, my question, is there a website that I could post my idea to with sketches, diagrams etc so that someone could commission me to build it?

I know it's kind of a niche situation but I thought it would be worth asking if anyone has seen a solution.


As it happens, only today I sent some Sketchup images of an enclosure idea to a plastic fabrication firm to get an idea of...


As it happens, only today I sent some Sketchup images of an enclosure idea to a plastic fabrication firm to get an idea of fabrication practicality and costs, and "will it work" and "how much will it cost" to me seem to be the first steps. "Incredibly impractical" though is not a good advertising catch-phrase- unlessit's followed up by "WOW" when you show it..

The best chance for marketing seems to be to be as a crowdfunding project. There are 25 "computer case" projects listed on Kickstarter:

> of which 3 were successful,.. That's not an encouraging ratio but I think typical. The key is that it would have to be something really innovative and exciting.

I think other than that, posting some exacting images on specialist forums is another possibility, although you might run into problems with advertising a product.

Possibly a good YouTube video with dramatic music and stock footage of people breaking down fences and selling their cat to buy one.

No reason not to have some fun anyway.


