Custom gaming pc financing?


Feb 1, 2015
I'm looking at a maingear custom made pc or an origin one. My current desktop to say the least is becoming outdated... So I'm wondering if I can finance one of those pc's with no credit. I will admit I'm a young guy I'm 22 and have no credit what so ever. Not that I have bad credit I just have never really had bills to pay to earn credit. I roughly make around 900-1200 a month... So it's not like I can go straight up in one month get an h440 case, an i7 k processor, and a 390x like I want in a month so that's why I'm looking at financing... So do you know if i could finance one with no credit. I can't find anything on those sites saying that they accept customers with no credit. The pc that I was building costs around $2500 roughly. I'm looking at a pc that won't get outdated anytime soon that's why I want the i7 5820k processor and a 390x... I don't care about the apr rates for financing... So if anyone knows if I'd be able to finance one thanks for any help.
Let me credit company decide if you're eligible for credit. Just because you have no history that doesn't mean you may not be eligible.

Take my advice, you should care about the APR. Only an idiot would take out a loan without understanding how much they're paying back.

What are you planning to use this PC for? You probably don't need such a powerful set of components.
Actually I do need that powerful of one I have a 4k TV that I have my current outdated TV hooked up too and I play a lot of powerful games. I also do some video editing and I have a vr headset. And I understand how credit works and Apr. What I was trying to say is I don't mind paying the 14% Apr maingear offers for financing.
OK, that makes more sense.

An R9 390X is likely to get around 30-45fps at 4K, depending on the game and additional settings you choose. If you want something better then you're looking at a GTX 980 Ti. In fact, I'd recommend that you downgrade the CPU to an i7 4790K/6700K and upgrade the GPU to the 980 Ti.
And a 980ti isn't a downgrade it's an upgrade since it's more expensive lol. I'm not too picky on the GPU just would like to find a place that would finance one.

He's saying consider downgrading the processor to something like an i7-4790K or 6700k and upping the GPU from a 390x to a 980ti