I'm looking at a maingear custom made pc or an origin one. My current desktop to say the least is becoming outdated... So I'm wondering if I can finance one of those pc's with no credit. I will admit I'm a young guy I'm 22 and have no credit what so ever. Not that I have bad credit I just have never really had bills to pay to earn credit. I roughly make around 900-1200 a month... So it's not like I can go straight up in one month get an h440 case, an i7 k processor, and a 390x like I want in a month so that's why I'm looking at financing... So do you know if i could finance one with no credit. I can't find anything on those sites saying that they accept customers with no credit. The pc that I was building costs around $2500 roughly. I'm looking at a pc that won't get outdated anytime soon that's why I want the i7 5820k processor and a 390x... I don't care about the apr rates for financing... So if anyone knows if I'd be able to finance one thanks for any help.