Hi all,
I'm going to be building a custom, rigid acrylic water cooling loop somtime this year (when I finish my build in the first place and then scrounge some more money together lol).
I know this is going to be completely overkill (get down to where I start talking about radiators) but that is the point, I want a monster
I would like it to be for more or less everything (CPU, GPU, RAM, SOUTHBRIDGE, VRM) but as this is only my second loop I need a hand with picking out the components and planning the loop (I know loop order doesn't matter except resivoir ---> pump but you obviously wouldn't want the loop to go from the hottest part to the coolest with no raidiator on the way).
The parts for my pc itself are:
i5 4670k/i7 4770k (I'll choose eventually)
780 SLI/780ti SLI (I'll probably choose eventually)
Asus Maximus VI Formula
Any RAM you can find a waterblock for
Corsair 900D
(Just ask if more specs are needed)
As the 900D is HUGE I would like 2 x 480mm radiators (one in top one in bottom and maybe the 240mm in the bottom aswell 😀
I don't mind 1 or 2 loops but no more than 2.
As far as resivoirs go, I would like 1 if there will be 1 loop and 2 if there will be 2 loops (one per loop) and for them to be cylindrical and trasparent.
I would like it to end up somewhat like this: http://forums.evga.com/m/tm.aspx?m=2037029
so wish me luck!!
Money isn't too much of an issue but obviously don't just chuck it at nothing! (I've seen gold plated pumps, res and compression fittings out there!!)
Anyway, I need help with these 2 things:
Loop order
Loop parts
Any help would be much appreciated!
Thanks very much!!
I'm going to be building a custom, rigid acrylic water cooling loop somtime this year (when I finish my build in the first place and then scrounge some more money together lol).
I know this is going to be completely overkill (get down to where I start talking about radiators) but that is the point, I want a monster

I would like it to be for more or less everything (CPU, GPU, RAM, SOUTHBRIDGE, VRM) but as this is only my second loop I need a hand with picking out the components and planning the loop (I know loop order doesn't matter except resivoir ---> pump but you obviously wouldn't want the loop to go from the hottest part to the coolest with no raidiator on the way).
The parts for my pc itself are:
i5 4670k/i7 4770k (I'll choose eventually)
780 SLI/780ti SLI (I'll probably choose eventually)
Asus Maximus VI Formula
Any RAM you can find a waterblock for
Corsair 900D
(Just ask if more specs are needed)
As the 900D is HUGE I would like 2 x 480mm radiators (one in top one in bottom and maybe the 240mm in the bottom aswell 😀
I don't mind 1 or 2 loops but no more than 2.
As far as resivoirs go, I would like 1 if there will be 1 loop and 2 if there will be 2 loops (one per loop) and for them to be cylindrical and trasparent.
I would like it to end up somewhat like this: http://forums.evga.com/m/tm.aspx?m=2037029
so wish me luck!!
Money isn't too much of an issue but obviously don't just chuck it at nothing! (I've seen gold plated pumps, res and compression fittings out there!!)
Anyway, I need help with these 2 things:
Loop order
Loop parts
Any help would be much appreciated!
Thanks very much!!