Custom pfsense router RJ11 hurdle


Jan 11, 2012
I have an old PC laying around collecting dust that I will be using for a pfsense router. My only hurdle is the fact that my house uses standard phone lines for DSL internet.

I currently use the ISP provided router that uses a RJ11 connector for the WAN port. The pfsense router so far will only have the ethernet RJ45 standard.

Aside from rewiring my house, you guys got any ideas to solve my problem?
It is not a wiring issue ethernet and dsl are not even close to the same thing. That is the reason modem exist to convert these protocols. You will always need a hardware device to do this. The router you have has a modem and router in the same box, you either need to disable the routing part and use it only as a modem or buy a different device that can do this.
You will still likely have the issue of PPPoE or PPPoA to deal with in your pfsense device.

I suspect you have a very long journey ahead if you are going to use pretty advanced firewall like pfsense and do not have a strong knowledge of how the basics of connectivity work.

This project is pretty much for learning some new stuff. I dont technically need a new access point, but with it I have some options open to me, e.g. caching and VPN-stuff.

I want to avoid using my current router/modem for anything but wireless access. Would a virtual modem help me in this case or no?
The RJ11 is for WAN DSL, whatever router you plug in can't take WAN signal directly, there must a a MODEM in between. Then what comes out of the router must be ethernet RJ45 if you want wired.

If you just want to learn stuff who cares how your house is wired, just run CAT5 on the floor right. You done learning, or visitors are coming, just yank the cables.