Cutting price without cutting performance


Jul 15, 2011
I5 2500k
asus p8p67 deluxe
asus radeon hd 6950 2gb
kingston 3x4gb ddr3 1600 ram
ocz ssd 60gb agility series
western digital 1tb caviar green sata drive
cooler master case Haf X
Corsair TX750

Im just interested in gaming, and Im intendind to overclock the cpu and upgrading the gpu
So how can I spare a few bucks?
Drop down to a 2x2 or 2x4 ram kit, 3x4 kits are for X58 boards because the i7 9xx series has triple channel memory. In general 4GB is more than enough, but sometimes you can get 8GB for not much more, but i definitely wouldnt get a 12GB kit, its going to be expensive and actually hurt performance over 8GB because you are now using an odd number of sticks and are in single channel mode.

The i5 you linked to is actually the 2500 not the 2500K, the 2500K is actually cheaper on that site and allows OCing

The 1TB Samsung F3 is cheaper and much faster than the 1TB Caviar Green
since the mobo does not have triple channel support I would go with this
You could go with It should work with your needs
if you want to oc you need the i5 2500k
can't really read so not sure what the difference is but here is a different one

looks like the cheaper cpu is just the chip no stock cooler? I have no heard about geil so thats why I suggested the cosair
Well an aftermarket HSF was not included in the list so get one those for the overclocking on the CPU.

And then check prices on 6970's, GTX570 and GTX580's. Any of those would be an upgrade for graphics performance.
Obviously GTX580 being the highest.