It's a good start to wasting Millions of taxpayers dollars on a Chinese style firewall for the whole country. Doesn't it strike anyone of the uses of this thing? if it works that is.
I wonder why everyone is so paranoid and live in fear all the time?
Who the hell would want to take their Military secrets? Wiki already has them all.
And why would any idiot want to attack the US , die hard style? it was simple enough with the planes..., the banks, and the oil why it'd be pretty simple to coax the president itself again with a multi billion dollar election campaign package.
Really, and the best part of it is, all the strategic networks ought to be off the internet, just simple LANs and WANs. Reduce stupid spending and provide better housing and employment to your citizens would be a better option.
Security..... that's a laugh.
Spending on it..... is like Halliburton contracts.
And then testing them..... is like 911, fooling the people to believe what is and what is not, when they are all aware of what is the actual state of the states affairs, and I don't mean the Monica Lewinsky affairs.