Cyberpower Has a Battlefield 4 Custom Rig Too

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I don't know...

Design choices/ideas like this are a bit cheesy, a cliche solider running on the side of the case, put some creativity into it?

Be way cooler to have an image of a soldier(that looks directly like from in game) stabbing a guy and taking his dog tags or a tank firing a shell and you see some kind of orange-ish Battlefield blast or maybe a loaded transport chopper flying by with the gunners shooting?

Well, its hard to see manofacturers supporting AMD hardware since one "major" pc manofacturer drop them out because of "Overheating and driver Issues".

I wanted to buy a GTX 760 next month, but after such bad marketing moves from Nvidia i think i will go HD 7950 + 280x style.

Don't get me wrong, i love competition and such, but watching Nvidia paying out just to be exclusive and above all a company like Origin doing such a shitty move angers me.

A company that does that kind of things (dropping a manofacturer just to have exclusivity with another) IMVHPO should go bankrupcy ASAP.


Still presuming guilt until proven innocent huh?
the point is to take advantage of the momentum generated by the release of BF4 and allow BF4 fans to acquire a powerful gaming pc, with great gpu, cooling system, cpu bundled with a BF4 license and a Battlefield 4 "art" on it's case. You can choose lots of configurations for the system on the link provided in the article, however doen't seem to be possible to customize the art.
do you need more reasons?
Cyberpower PC makes great PCs. Why? Because you can pick all of the components (exception... HDD brand). It's a great idea and they can often build cheaper than you can build the same thing yourself. If you don't necessarily love tinkering with hardware, but know which hardware you want, it's a great way to go.

Personally, I wouldn't get the paint job, but if you're a huge fan and want to show it, go for it!
That paint looks like crap to me. I don't see them selling to many of these cheese ball PC's. Looks like the CD case from BF3. What happens when you still have the PC and Battlefield 5 comes out? Just seems odd to put the release number on it.

I get the concept and its not a bad PC but the paint job that makes it stand out is just terrible

If they had something creative like this on the side of the case where it faded to black instead of white and didn't look like a decal then I could see this PC selling a little better.
Yeh a single 290x won't hang at 4K let alone the current cost of a single 4k display is way out of reach for most users. People are still using those little cheap 23-27 inch 1080p displays. I game at 2560 x 1600 30 inches since 3 yrs now.

Yes. In order to play COD, you would need a separate COD system with the correct corresponding picture on the side. :lol:

This. I've personnaly never saw a fried Intel chip. On the other hand, I've seen some non-overclocked AMD fried. Plus like someone mentioned on fb, Cyberpower usually is overdoing it on candy cases that's much like Hondas' full of neons way of thinking.

Back in the day you could fry either Intel or AMD chips. Its just AMD was way more popular with enthusiast back then since the chips were actually faster which is probably why you have seen some fry. They both have throttless in place to prevent them from going up in smoke these days.

When was this "Back in the day" you speak of?
It is nice to see AMD components in such a nice setup. The idea of moving to 4k is mouth watering. It would be good if they had some stats on FPS on these systems.

Around year 2000. For example:,365-6.html

Ahh, it's good to see that old chestnut dragged out for an airing! :lol:

Fun times and fond memories. :)
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