CyberPower RMA Returned Wrong SSD And other system Damage


Jun 22, 2008
So here is the story. I received a gift from a friend of a CyberPower desktop in the start of February. Last month the liquid cooling pump that they installed failed. So I contacted them for a RMA. They told me to ship it to them so it could be replaced. That was the ONLY issue with the computer. I sent the computer out to them on the 20th of November and received it December 9th.

So the reason I am posting here because when I received my computer the first thing I noticed is that they returned it to me with the wrong hard drive. This picture shows that.

One of my video cards is disabled. And another one when I load in to a game gives me a lot of random colors and visual glitches.

Only 1 OF THE 3 of my video cards is working properly.

I am wondering what recourse I can seek from them when I call them today. They are located in CA I am located in NY. I know I can call the BBB to complain. Can I call local law enforcement for data theft? Since they or an employee of theirs has my SSD with my personal information on it.

All suggestions and advice is highly appreciated so I know what I can do when I contact them today to get my many issues resolved.

Thank you very much.
i dont get it. how exactly does that prove that they swapped ssd's?

also, when shipping whole system assembled, sometimes things get wiggled and vibrated loose.

i would suspect this to be the issue for your gpu problems. take them out, check for physical damage, then reinsert them. also make sure that your case hasnt warped from being shipped, as this can sometimes cause erratic performance from things being shorted

The way I figured it was swapped is when I googled systeminfo it said that even if Windows was formatted that it will still show the date that Windows was originally installed (pre format). Even if that's not that case they had no right to format my drive when there was no issue with it and without my consent. You can see it shows that Windows was installed on the SSD on 11/28/2014. I originally received the system in February 2014.
There's probably some type of clause however. I would imagine they have a clause stating that they are not responsible for data loss, etc, and that it was your responsibility to back up your data. At least I would have that clause were I them.

Check all your connections inside to make sure things are properly hooked up. If so, then you may at this point be best to reformat your drive and install Windows again to be sure that things are properly set software wise, then go from there.

They do, but would it apply if they formatted the drive intentionally without my consent? Or would that apply to a hardware failure? They said I was notified And have consent before sending in the RMA, but i never was. I would not let them format a drive that didn't have a single issue. I'm asking them for proof of me being notified. Since they record all the phone calls that shouldn't be hard considering they know the date the RMA was issued.
I'm just saying misty places probably have a clause stating they are not responsible for data loss etc, could be a tech just did trying to fix it. I get what you are saying but if the computer was running, you should have made a backup before sending it off imo.

Wasn't running. The liquid cooling died so it would over heat and turn off after 1minute.

They do, but would it apply if they formatted the drive intentionally without my consent? Or would that apply to a hardware failure? They said I was notified And have consent before sending in the RMA, but i never was.

Did you real ALL the fine print of everything they sent you?
USAFRet they never sent me any fine print or anything regarding the warranty. All the warranty info I discovered is on their website. And it does state that they are not responsible for data lose/recovery, but I wonder if that applies to when their negligence caused the data lose. Also it states that I should back up my data and its my responsibly and not theirs, but again I could not do so since the computer wouldn't stay powered up for more than 1 minute due to over heating, the liquid cooling failing.

Backups are done before parts fail.

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