CyberPowerPC Introduces its Mega Miner Coin Mining Machines

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As is stated on almost every one of these articles by someone. No one mines bitcoin with video cards anymore, it doesn't make any sense at all. They mine Scrypt based alt coins instead... Even then it's pretty much to the point that sinking money in to something that the pay off rate is in to many many months, if ever.
It's a great idea for them no matter what because they don't have to have them built until they're ordered. It's not like they needed to get extra hardware like ASIC miners.
NOBODY will sell you anything unless selling it to you is more profitable than using it themselves (whether that be shovels, pics and gold panning pans or coin mining PCs).The take away here should be that you'll make more coin by selling bit coin PCs than by buying and running them.
Will companies please stop pandering to the bitcoin crowd? The only people that profit from these mining rigs are the teenagers that have mommy and daddy pay the electric bill these machines generate.

That is correct. ASICs have been out for Bitcoins for a while. A R9 290X can probably push 900-1000MH/s while you can buy two ASICs for $700 (about the same as one 290X) that is pushing 10GH/s each. That is about 2x faster and they also use way less power.

This is for Litecoin (Scrypt based) but as well ASICs are coming for Litecoin (a friend has some that do 360KH/s but those will be upgraded to 16MH/s) that will do MH/s, one is going to do 100MH/s meaning GPUs are again obsolete for this popular crypto-currency.

There will probably be another at some point in time but it really depends on the coin value.

That is false. One bitcoin is currently worth $560 USD. That is not "no value". That is high value. When I tried mining they were fluctuating between $60-120 and when I first heard about Bitcoins, they were at less than $1 buck each.
As is stated on almost every one of these articles by someone. No one mines bitcoin with video cards anymore, it doesn't make any sense at all. They mine Scrypt based alt coins instead... Even then it's pretty much to the point that sinking money in to something that the pay off rate is in to many many months, if ever.
Seriously Tomshardware, get someone to write these articles who is competent.
Mining is great and all if you want to support the network. Don't mine for profitability. While you may make a profit, you stand to make more if you just buy the coins.
It's not the Bitcoin value that's making it become unprofitable, it's the network difficulty.The chance of finding a scrypt coin such has Litecoin has dropped to the point that it's currently barely profitable over the cost of running the miner at the power prices I pay (~22c US per KWh) It's design for this to happen, I think they've missed the boat entirely with this otherwise nice hardware.12months ago it would have been a worthwhile investment.
Why is the 200 version 1000$ more than the 100 version when the video cards are only 150$ more each. About 300$ more for 200 would make sense.
Ugh, another PC based mining rig. Trying to fish idiots who don't do research.Nowadays, OpenCL bitcoin mining is a sure way to lose money. Most miners have switched to ASIC hardware rigs which provides much better performance-per-watt, and even still the benefit returns are getting lower and lower.And the scrypt coins are pretty much a shot in the dark. Even if you do see some profit at the end, it's unlikely it will pay for the entire investment.
I wish luck to everyone who invests money into mining, they are going to need it.I can understand Spending cash to mine if you "like the idea of mining", but not as expecting actual income. A lot of people talk about this subject, knowing virtually nothing about mining.In the end, CyberPowerPC made normal PCs, named them differently to sound cool, and increased the price a lot. Next time, fire those marketing guys, and use the savings to lower the price tag on your systems.
These are not meant to mine you wrote in your article "built with the purpose of scrypt-coin mining in mind".Scrypt-based strictly means these do NO MINE BITCOIN. BTC is SHA256 based.This gives companies and 3rd parties the opportunity to have yet another avenue of sale...this is a good thing as a whole for the market. Short-sighted people would be wise to learn more about BTC before they toss it aside, or make comments which are misleading about BTC.When you talk about BTC, you are talking about a commodity with a market-cap well over $6.8 billion...yes billion. Go right ahead and think that anything with that much funding could simply disappear.
If it's strictly meant for Scrypt-mining (that's Litecoin and Dogecoin, isn't it?), why not throw in an APU instead of an FX? Those can mine too.
GPU mining is so stupid. To put things into prospective a 7950 will do about 600mh/s and use about 250w. An Xtreme Miners Leopard will do 2,500,000mh/s and use < would need a hypothetical rig with 4,166 7950's to do what Xtreme miners smallest ASIC based appliance can do. Price, performace, it's like getting a 7950 for $1.39 that runs on less than 2w.
And where did this $6.8 Billion.... yes billion funding come from? Nowhere, which is exactly where all your hard earned REAL money is going if you buy into this Ponzi.
Bitcoin mining is a way to mathematically create a unique security token that can hide the transaction from authorities. It also inherits a bit of a pyramid scheme, where the first miners easily find more security tokens quicker than the following generation of miners. Now lets pretend that our computers are so fast that in a month 6.8 billion coins are produced out of calculating a mathematical formula. No one at any point put money into a bank with real cash. Even countries that print more money will devalue their currency but also put real money into a bank. Now if a bank suddenly accepted virtual security tokens and people actually traded their tokens for real cash (1 Token per $1 as an example) , then the bank could lose 3.8 billion in a day if everyone traded their coins in a day. Will tax payers bail out the banks? You can't distinguish the difference from someone depositing real money in exchange for Bitcoins in order purchase real products and all the Bitcoins already created. Now lets add the fact that anyone can start a new mathematical formula for a new mining scheme such as Litecoin. Am I missing something to this cash generating SCHEME?
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