Question CyberPowerPC Ultra Desktop GUA1400BST sku: 6072200 freeze at splash screen


Feb 17, 2014
I've had this machine about a year, I usually build my own but this was bought in an emergency so I keep it as a backup. I had a mushkin ssd in it and all was great then one day I looked at it and the screen was green and it would not boot again. Checked everything no boot, went to bios it was seeing the ssd drive. Took the drive out it had lost its drive letter somehow(?) put it (the drive letter via windows drive administration) back all my data etc. still there, put it back in the computer no boot this time cmos did not see it. Cyberpower uses crappy non locking ssd cables so I swapped the cable when I put in a new western digital ssd. If the machine does anything at all it crashes at the start splash screen unresponsive all the lights are on but no response to enter the cmos, keyboard light doesn't even light up (either my razer gaming keyboard or a crappy dell keyboard board that came with another pc). The ssd works I tested it. Any thoughts? About to clean off a different brand and smaller ssd to see if maybe it just doesn't like the western digital 1 terrabyte I bought for it. Haven't changed the battery probably go ahead and do that too. I tried to post this a few days but I don't see it so if it's a double sorry about that.

This thing has an ASUS motherboard in it am3+ apologies I don't have the model on me. Last time I tried an ASUS motherboard build it didn't go well, maybe they just hate me.
It is a corsair 600W again sorry don't have the model. I changed it out because the one that came with it supposed to be crapola. It doesn't "act" like power supply but what do I know (after ten+ years building machines, lol). Could be a bad cable I suppose, cleaned off a smaller samsung ssd last night will try that. It does have a radeon 560 in it I know those can be a little hungry. All the lights come on no beeps, fans running, fancy case lights running. If I can get any video outpout at all it just stops at the splash screen no reaction to anything. I do not know if there could be some dislike for that big ssd it is a 2016 incarnation asus motherboard and I don't know right now if the latest bios is on it. I remember the old days of spinner drives as they got larger people were running into motherboards that refused to recognize the newer bigger drives, and then there was SATA, I remember all that mess too. I think windows still defaults to a spinner drive given its own choice. Maybe I should disconnect the spinner that came with it just to make things simpler.

As far as correct cables, there are quite a few sata plugs but it shouldn't matter what's plugged where with sata not like the old days with spinner drives where you had as many as three on a cable and they had to be correctly dip switched or jumpered for their place on the cable. Only things touched when it pooped out was the ssd and the cable.