What really poor selection of CPU's. You will see a high % of gamers have older CPU's as they get swapped a lot less than GPU's, especially intel's with their more expensive upgrade path. As per the Nov 2020 a bit under 75% of gamers have Intel CPU's yet you have chosen only 2 generations of intel CPU's. (though you have done better with AMD) So it's not really a "wide selection" of nearly 75% of gamers is it?
Looks like you have taken a wide selection of what is easy for you to test, rather than what would be useful for a large volume of your user base. You have provided good feedback for AMD CPUS's (~25% of market) but very shallow feedback on the intel generations.
I get it, AMD is all the rage and it will probably be my next CPU, but this would be a much more useful article if you catered for what would be the more likely scenario of the gamers CPU.
Using CPU performance websites is not really a great way for someone to work out where their CPU sits.