OpenGl by far! D3D sux compared to OpenGl in every game i have played. FOr instance in HL in D3D I get around 30 to 50 fps, then in OpenGL and get 60 to 99 fps! And the same quality!!! ANything that Microshit does, someone else does better. Also playing UT in Glide gets me about 80 to 170 fps, but I play it in D3D and get a wopping 50 fps. OpenGl is the best no questions asked. And all of the above was played in 1024*768 res. Of course my voodoo performed better in all these catagories than my current Geforce 2 mx 200. Of course you know who owns nvidia? M$. And now with voodoo out of the game what videocards do we have a choice in? There is no real competition anymore thanks to M$ and AOL bullshit thats floating around. Now that that sonofabitch Bush and Cheney is in office, M$ gets prefferential treatment from big brother. Of course with the our fuggin *ailing* economy, Bush has an excuse to make sure M$ rapes us all. Sense when does a president *give* orders to a judge to let a defendent of? I thought there was a constitutional thing about freedom of courts? We live in a fascist state allright.
800 Duron
128 ram
2#20 gig(5400&7200)