Question da amd a nvidia ma il monitor non riceve segnale

Oct 29, 2021
Salve, sono passato da una scheda video amd ad una nvidia, prima di aver venduto la scheda video amd mi sono dimenticato di disinstallare i driver, successivamente ho montato quella nvidia e giustamente il monitor non riceve segnale, (il processore non ha scheda video integrata ), non riesco nemmeno ad arrivare al bios, nel pc c'è solo un ssd e penso di dover formattare proprio quello, ma praticamente senza monitor


Moderator note: Translation Spanish to English via Google Translator:

"Hi, I switched from an amd video card to an nvidia, before I sold the amd video card I forgot to uninstall the drivers, then I mounted the nvidia one and rightly the monitor does not receive signal, (the processor has no integrated video card ), I can't even get to the bios, in the pc there is only one ssd and I think I have to format just that, but practically without a monitor"


Eso no debería ser el caso. Debería obtener salida de video en el BIOS y en Windows, generalmente antes de que se hayan instalado los controladores. El propio Windows debería tener un controlador para la mayoría de los productos Nvidia.

¿De dónde vino esta tarjeta?

¿Se usa?

That should not be the case. You should get video output in the BIOS and in Windows, generally before drivers have even been installed. Windows itself should have a driver for most Nvidia products.

Where did this card come from?

Is it used?