Daemon Tools SPTID error.


Aug 18, 2012
I recently got my OS reinstalled (Win7 64 bit).However, after installing Daemon Tools, the following error appeared:"Unable to detect an adapter".I searched the internet and found a solution (reinstalling SPTID).My question however is:Why did this error occured in the first place?After previous reinstalls of my OS and Daemon Tools afterwards, this didn't happen.Why is happening now?I am installing the same version of Daemon Tools everytime, that's why it seems odd to me.I hope that you can help me.Thank you.
I know it works now, the problem is that I don't know why it didn't work several hours ago.I write "how to install" guide for every of my software.And when a new error appears out of nowhere, I have to rewrite the guide and not knowing what causes the error drives me even more crazy.