Daisy chain repeater routers


Jan 20, 2016
I am trying to expand a WiFi network. There is a bt home hub 3. I ran a cat 5 to the first router. Then a cat 5 from the first to the second. Then a cat 5 from the second to the third. All were setup as repeaters. The first one works although there is an issue using the same ssid so I have given them different ssid's. The second and third don't work. I assume that's because the routers they are connected to are not assigning ip's.

Is there a way round this such as going from the hub to a switch then separate cat 5 to each router or of there a setting I can change. Also what happens if I just turn on the dhcp ion the routers so ip's are allocated.

I also need to connect media devices by cat 5 on the third router.

Everything except the BT should be setup as an access point not a router. See --- http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/36406-43-convert-wireless-router-wireless-access-point

All setup as LAN to LAN connections with each router assigned a unique static IP address, all in the same subnet.

You can definitely run an ethernet cable to a switch and then run multiple access points from the switch.

Are your cables commercially made or home-made?
All the routers have been setup as ap's prior to being connected to the network in the same way was in link but followed a link which is specific to my model of router to setup as WiFi extender.

All three setup exactly the same but with different channels and ip's but only the one directly connected to the hub works.

The hub has ip The ap's have been given ip's ending 250,251 and 252.

Home made cables but they have tested OK.