I am trying to expand a WiFi network. There is a bt home hub 3. I ran a cat 5 to the first router. Then a cat 5 from the first to the second. Then a cat 5 from the second to the third. All were setup as repeaters. The first one works although there is an issue using the same ssid so I have given them different ssid's. The second and third don't work. I assume that's because the routers they are connected to are not assigning ip's.
Is there a way round this such as going from the hub to a switch then separate cat 5 to each router or of there a setting I can change. Also what happens if I just turn on the dhcp ion the routers so ip's are allocated.
I also need to connect media devices by cat 5 on the third router.
Is there a way round this such as going from the hub to a switch then separate cat 5 to each router or of there a setting I can change. Also what happens if I just turn on the dhcp ion the routers so ip's are allocated.
I also need to connect media devices by cat 5 on the third router.