Thanks for that detail. Now I think I can see what you are missing.
You have a total of six fans, all by Deepcool. You bought four of those to go with the Deepcool case - three in the front, one in the rear. You also got two more as part of the Deepcool Castle 240 RGB V2 cooling system. NONE of them has any daisy-chain features - that is, a cable from a fan with TWO connectors, one male and one female, so you can connect one fan to another directly. Your fans each have two cables, and each cable has only ONE connector on it. For each fan, one smaller connector with 4 holes and two ridges along one side is for the motor, and that goes to a fan header or fan Splitter. The other fan cable has a different locking connector and three wires into it for the lights, and that one goes to an ARGB Splitter that normally would plug into a mobo 3-pin ARGB header. On your mobo, this is labelled an AURA Addressable Gen2 header.
Now comes sources of confusion. You should have received with the AIO cooler system a 4-output Deepcool fan SPLITTER to be used with the TWO rad fans. This should be connected to the CPU_OPT header of your mobo so it can control those for CPU cooling. You MAY also have got a second Splitter for use with all four of your CASE Ventilation fans. Since your mobo has only two CHA_FAN headers, it seems, that makes connecting and controlling all four together from one header easy. BUT in your posts first you say you have FOUR fans on a Splitter connected to a mobo CHA_FAN header, but no matter which header you use that on it fails to show any fan speeds. THEN later you tell us that checking discloses that the TWO fans in the Splitter are in the wrong output sockets and you changed them to solve the problem.
So, do you REALLY have TWO very similar Splitter boxes? What you SHOULD have is ONE box with the two RAD FANS' motor cables plugged into its ports 1 and 2, and that Splitter plugged into the CPU_OPT mobo header. (The PUMP of the AIO cooler system, which will have a slightly smaller connector on its end with only three holes, should be in the CPU_FAN header.) Then the second Splitter box should be plugged into one of your mobo CHA_FAN headers, and should have plugged into it all four of the Case Ventilation fans' motor cables - the three front plus one rear.
All of this nothing to do with the LIGHTING cables for all those fans. But there MAY be a similar situation. The AIO system says it comes with an ARGB Splitter with 5 output sockets, even though it only has 2 fans. You MAY also have got or bought separately another ARGB Splitter to feed the lighting cables of your four case fans - you have not mentioned any of this above, maybe because you are not having any problems there. But I can foresee an issue for you. The mobo has ONE AURA Addressable Gen 2 header, and you have SIX lighted fans with a Splitter with FIVE outputs. Now, IF you actually have a second lighting Splitter, recognize that you CAN plug the second one into one of the outputs of the first to give you more outputs in total to handle all the fan lights.
FYI -and this is NOT a part of your problem, just info - you may wonder why the cable from the pump had only three holes in it but plugs into a 4-pin CPU_FAN header. The pump is wired just like an older 3-pin fan. Because of the different designs of 3- and 4-pin fan systems, when you plug an older 3-pin fan into a 4-pin header that really is using the new PWM mode of fan speed control, that fan's speed is NOT controlled, and the fan always runs full speed. That is exactly what the PUMP is designed to do - full speed all the time. So having that type of wiring connected in that way makes the pump perform as designed.