Damaged Circuit on the Motherboard's back


Jan 1, 2014

I was suffering the so much popular problem about the computer freezing, then when rebooting end with a black screen and no beep. It was erratic, usually after i left the computer off for a while or forcing some memok boot it would magicaly work again. I had the problem for a while and never found a solution, but as usually it would "fix" by itself i wouldnt worry.

Until today. I ended the 2013 with a dead rig, there was nothing i could do to make it work, I tried everything that worked for me before with no results and then even tried new things i found in this forum.

Nothing seemed to work. So i proceeded to disassemble the whole rig. For the first time since i bought it, i unscrewed the mother board and removed it and then found a surprise. I found the back circuit of the motherboard to have one of its.. circuit wires? (sorry i dont know the correct term) to be cut, with the tiny cooper lines to be poking out of the board and cut.

It seems to be the circuit that unites the first pin of the ram sticks.

Can this be the source of all my problems? It was maybe loose for a while and it finally broke. This is, i never removed the motherboard before so i couldnt cause this damage by handling, this can happen by its own?

And to add to the questions, Is it fixable? or maybe is there a way to null the two first memory slots to use the second ones?

Ill try to upload a picture, but im not sure if my camera has enough definition to caught on the problem.

Thanks for your help in advance

PD: the motherboard is an Asus m4A89GTD Pro/USB3

carefully cut the ends of the exposed conducter.then go to your autoparts store and buy a little bottle of something called window defroster repair. its got a little brush so you can repaint the circuit track.there is a good chance this will work if,and i do mean if,there is not a short causing an overload,burning the conducter. i would go so far as to paint 2 or 3 coats,letting them dry in between. i know this sounds a little off the wall but consider for a moment the current going thru your rear window defroster. i did this once as a just see if it works project.you could also just get a new motherboard as well. if you do this make sure to also check all the solder joints on any components in that circuit to eliminate any bad...
carefully cut the ends of the exposed conducter.then go to your autoparts store and buy a little bottle of something called window defroster repair. its got a little brush so you can repaint the circuit track.there is a good chance this will work if,and i do mean if,there is not a short causing an overload,burning the conducter. i would go so far as to paint 2 or 3 coats,letting them dry in between. i know this sounds a little off the wall but consider for a moment the current going thru your rear window defroster. i did this once as a just see if it works project.you could also just get a new motherboard as well. if you do this make sure to also check all the solder joints on any components in that circuit to eliminate any bad connections which can cause this as well. have fun.


Jan 1, 2014
Your idea is really good, but im not very confidant on my ability to paint a circuit. I bought a new motherboard, but now with a functional PC, i will try to find some defroster paint (you have no idea how hard that can be on this side of the world) and try to see if i can repair/save the motherboard.

Thanks for your advice...

and i really hope that doesnt happen to this motherboard too