Damaged i7 8700k silicon(die) under IHS.


Aug 6, 2017
Hi, while delliding with knife i damaged i7 8700k silicon chip under IHS. Damaged on the die side a tiny bit with sharp knife. But it still works fine, it will work normally for its life or it will die faster than it should? Im afraid now becouse its brand new expensive cpu.
(Picture is from internet, but my cpu silicon damaged in same way) sorry for ban eng.

the 1.4V will kill this chip very fast.
If you want it to run for long time, stay below 1.35v , preferably below 1.3v. Otherwise your chip will degrade very fast.
As for the damage you caused during deliding, it is almost impossible to tell how deep it is and if it damaged any transistor without special equipment.
As long as it runs, consider yourself lucky because you might have not went deep enough or damaged something not really useful like iGPU.

i know about warraty vs delliding, im just afraid now after i <<watch the f-bombs please>> up core cpu dying anytime is possible..

ye its running now 5.2hz at 1.410v at it will last long, i had 4690k at 1.450 all its life, sold that out and someone still are happy with it
the 1.4V will kill this chip very fast.
If you want it to run for long time, stay below 1.35v , preferably below 1.3v. Otherwise your chip will degrade very fast.
As for the damage you caused during deliding, it is almost impossible to tell how deep it is and if it damaged any transistor without special equipment.
As long as it runs, consider yourself lucky because you might have not went deep enough or damaged something not really useful like iGPU.

Yes i get lucky with that 😀