Dan Brown's "The Lost Symbol"

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Since I was laid out flat on my back with the H1N1 swine flu for the last 12 days or so, I got a chance to read the latest installment in the Robert Langdon Symbolist Extraordinaire series, after having paid actual cash for the hardcover some months ago but no opportunity to read it. I had seen the movie The Davinci Code previously (which I thought was pretty good, BTW), and read Angels & Demons which didn't impress me nearly as much (hard to buy into a maniacal Pope-2-Be who wants to blow up the Vatican with an antimatter bomb).

Anyway, despite lots of theatrical hairbreadth escapes & unlikely events, the basic premise of the book is more than a bit ridiculous, IMHO.

Spoiler Alert:

Whether or not there actually is a lot of hidden meaning/symbolism in the Bible, somebody please explain to me why the Masons would go to all the expense and trouble of hiding such a fundamental book as the King James Bible in the cornerstone of the Washington Monument, when just about every household and certainly all the Christian churches would have ample copies of same readily available to any who asked? The idea that the lost symbol = a word - the Word of God is OK, but the reason why the Masons would go to all that trouble to conceal the fact is just silly.

In short, my opinion is that the book is just escapism, devoid of any more than superficial entertainment (?) value despite the hype given it in the press...

Other opinions?

BTW, I strongly recommend getting the swine flu vaccine if at all possible - much preferable to experiencing the actual illness! :)
I've put the book on hold to pick up from the local library but I enjoyed both DaVinci Code and Angels & Demons. Don't get me started on the movies though...those abominations of adaptations should never have been given the green light for production. You want a masterpiece of performance for each story, check out their unabridged audiobook. Brilliantly performed in every way.

I've skipped your spoiler section above to save myself but I too have heard it faltered where the previous 2 books held well. I understand Brown has intentions to write a total of 8 books in the series so hopefully The Lost Symbol will not end the adventures on a low note.
My problem with Brown's writing is that he doesn't have a decent, believable story arc, with either A&D or LS. Mostly cheap but meaningless thrills. Haven't read DC yet so I can't compare, but I did see the DVD and thought it was good, despite the paid reviewer pans. Have the A&D DVD in my Netflix queue so it'll be interesting to see if the script surpasses the book...

Will have to try the audiobook version sometime, after I get the hearing back in my right ear :)...
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