DAP-1320 range extender drops signal


Nov 12, 2013
This range extender device drops the signal overnight. I cannot reconnect with a click to it's tab on the device's wifi address page. I can reconnect only if I unplug the range extender, plug it back in, and reset the sync button. I saw this answer (below) to the same question posed on 12/3/12. Is this also the solution to my problem?:

"You might just need to extend the lease time for addresses on the DHCP server. If a (for example) laptop is put to sleep long enough for the address lease to expire then that address will be available to another device, now when the laptop is reawakened it will see that another machine exists with the same address. Extending the lease to say 2 or more days may just fix the problem (default is usually 24Hr)."
You could try what was mentioned above, just depends what is easier for you. I work for a cable company and see this issue happen a lot, we usually recommend checking the simple things first to try and help with WiFi interference/interruptions and see if that has any help (changing channel, relocating router/modem, making sure nothing with similar frequencies near by, etc.)
I would say it's more likely that it's still having WiFi issues. The problems you can run into with a range extender are extensive. A range extender will be taking your wireless signal from your router (which presumably may already experiencing interference) and re-broadcasts it. So the most you can possibly get, is what it's already pulling from your router. If you keep having to reset it, it might be worth while looking into some sort of power-line device, or possibly a stronger router (802.11ac?) to resolve the issue.

When it disconnects, does your router also drop signal?

Not sure. I think its possible it drops the connection when the router signal ebbs to very weak. In any event, I can reconnect as I described.
You could try what was mentioned above, just depends what is easier for you. I work for a cable company and see this issue happen a lot, we usually recommend checking the simple things first to try and help with WiFi interference/interruptions and see if that has any help (changing channel, relocating router/modem, making sure nothing with similar frequencies near by, etc.)

Thanks for the suggestions. Its a vacation home so will have to wait to try your suggestions.