So I've had this Benq GL2250HM monitor for quite a while now and decided to get another one for a dual monitor setup, but only GL2250 was available (without the "HM"), so that's what I got. The only difference supposedly is that they both have VGA and DVI-D, but the HM version has HDMI too.
The problem is that the new monitor has visible noise/dithering (idk the proper term) in darker areas and gradients (like in the Lagom LCD test page) aren't smooth or completely b&w. I've tried using a VGA cable and 2 different DVI cables, but it looks the same. I've also tried messing with the color settings in nvidia control panel, brightness/contrast/color in the monitor's OSD, but nothing seems to help. On the HM monitor everything looks perfect.
The problem is that the new monitor has visible noise/dithering (idk the proper term) in darker areas and gradients (like in the Lagom LCD test page) aren't smooth or completely b&w. I've tried using a VGA cable and 2 different DVI cables, but it looks the same. I've also tried messing with the color settings in nvidia control panel, brightness/contrast/color in the monitor's OSD, but nothing seems to help. On the HM monitor everything looks perfect.