data corrupted on external HDD after changing file system


Feb 18, 2015
hello guys
today i was changing my friends external hard drive file system from FAT32 to NTFS, and as it already had some data i couldn't format it, so using a boot disk tried to change it without formatting, and during the process the external hard drive was disconnected right about 80% of the process. now most of the data in the drive has its size and format but most of them are corrupted and can't be opened
is there any way i could fix that
and the drive is showing as an NTFS even thow it ended up with an error
hey guys, i actually found a fix...
thanks to

i bought their recovery tool, it took about 4 hours but guess what, every single data is recovered, i'm amazed that i have even my videos back. i was totally hopeless and this software makes magic...
so the solution > remo recover
I hope you made a backup before attempting a file system conversion. I'm certain whatever software you used warned you several times about the danger.

In my experience file system conversion works about half the time. The other half the time it just corrupts everything.

At this point, start thinking data recovery, not "fixing" anything.

thanks a lot for your time, to be honest the program didn't warn me about that, even the websites that i looked for my problem never mentioned that, i would try recovery tools but its seems they just find data that are deleted and not corrupted ones, if you have any suggestion, let me know. thanks
A "corrupted" file looks no different than a non-corrupted file. Except when you and the application tries to access it.
It exists, it has a valid entry in the file allocation table, it has a valid location on the drive.

A corrupted text file is still a text file. Just that some of the characters in the middle do not correspond to readable text.
Anything more complex than a basic ASCII text file is far, far worse.
I have a few jpg (images) that open just fine, but are corrupted to the point of not being able to tell what it was originally.
You can't fix that.
A corrupted video file is worse than that.
A corrupted exe is even far worse.

As my sig pic implies...."life" is always trying to kill your data. 24/7. Whether it be lightning, a nasty virus, or your own fingers (as is the case here).
Backup backup backup.

so basicly there is no hope and no way ?

You were changing it from FAT32 to NTFS. 1st bad move
It got disconnected part way through. 2nd bad move.
Now...the data is scrambled.

You know how when you make a take eggs, milk, flour, sugar. Mix it all up and bake. And end up with a tasty cake?'ve ended up with a cake that tastes like crap, and you're trying to get actual eggs out of it.

thanks a lot man, thank you for your time :wahoo:
hey guys, i actually found a fix...
thanks to

i bought their recovery tool, it took about 4 hours but guess what, every single data is recovered, i'm amazed that i have even my videos back. i was totally hopeless and this software makes magic...
so the solution > remo recover