Data Recovery Linux


Nov 4, 2013
OS :-Suse Linux Enterprise 12.0
File System :- ext3

I Have hit rm -rf /home/ , imidiatly i i did CNTRL+C so command got cancled but till that time i lost 9GB of data from this /home dir.
I don't have System GUI access.
Please suggest a suitable recovery commands or packages so that i can recover my lost /home files.

I just want to recover only one lost dir from this /home dir that is, /home/cubot/etl/script
This /home/cubot/etl/script was having some imp scripts and it is not visible now completely.

Any help will be highly appreciated....

Sorry, no unerase, my mistake. Partitions you can unerase. Sometimes. The red files in the home folder are the ones that were erased and you need to copy them somewhere else to recover them. To remember that this includes all files that have ever been erased that are still available so many may not need to be transfered.

To avoid accidently writing over any data boot via a live copy, dvd, flash whatever, and install testdisk. Run as root and after selecting the disk to check go to [ Advanced ] Filesystem Utils
Choose the partition where the data is and then at the bottom choose List. Copy elsewhere all the deleted files or you could try to just undelete them but copy is safer.

Sorry, no unerase, my mistake. Partitions you can unerase. Sometimes. The red files in the home folder are the ones that were erased and you need to copy them somewhere else to recover them. To remember that this includes all files that have ever been erased that are still available so many may not need to be transfered.
