Data Recovery

My Dell laptop Ram went bad,replaced,now window is not working and i have to go back to do factory reset.No system restore optin working.How i can recover data?
Buy a new hard-drive, install Windows on that. Use the original drive as a secondary and copy your date from it.

Or if you have a recovery partition on the drive and can't remove it before restoring, you can make a Linux Live CD, boot from that, and copy your data to an external hard-drive, then restore Windows., read the part about running it off CD directly without installing it.
RE_install windows and it will take all your old data/folders and place them in a folder called "windows old " You can then pick and choose what you and want you dont want


Thanks a millions for good solution.

Thank you for taking time for my issue.i will try.

Thanks,I can say now can help any one ,without spending a dime,Thanks